Ars Electronica Garden Birmingham

From Idea to Ecosystem – lessons from STEAMhouse, Birmingham

STEAMhouse (GB)

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The aim of the Ars Electronica Garden STEAMhouse is to communicate how an idea can be developed into an entire ecosystem! We practice what we preach, so ultimately we are here to showcase why STEAM works. Discover our story and the application of STEAM in various contexts from Virtual Reality to Biomaterials. We are STEAMhouse, a center for innovation, creative thinking, prototyping and business development powered by Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math, based in Digbeth, in the heart of Birmingham, UK. We are a partnership between Birmingham City University and Eastside Projects, a local artist-run multiverse. Its aim is to be a space for the open, the curious and the creative that inspires people to experiment, test and develop new knowledge.


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Birmingham City University, Eastside Projects, European Regional Development Fund