BARCOTEC TOUR – live on Zoom

Martin Honzik – Chief Curatorial Officer Ars Electronica
Karla Spiluttini – Producer European Projects & Theme Exhibition


  • In Event of Moon Disaster – Halsey Burgund (US), Francesca Panetta (GB)
  • Not allowed for algorithmic audiences – Kyriaki Goni (GR)
  • Made to Measure – Group Laokoon (DE): Cosima Terrasse (FR), Moritz Riesewieck (DE), Hans Block (DE)
  • Face Lab – Håkan Lidbo (SE)
  • Demystify AI (by mushrooms and media) – An Interactive Exhibition by the LIT Robopsychology Lab

Phones and computers are no longer mere devices but extensions of ourselves, used in everyday life. Who gets to decide how these tools are used? Technology can expose truths, enlightening and empowering us towards a more sustainable digital future.