“INCERT” is an experimental animated film that critically examines the political and social developments of the present and possible future scenarios. The short film gives an insight into the overwhelming emotions of an era marked by turmoil and refers to the major crises of our time: environmental and climate crisis, surveillance and protests against racist police violence.
The three artists have been inspired by the aesthetics of the Internet and use sensory overload and exaggeration as deliberate stylistic devices. The film does not propose a clear solution, but shows that there can be no simple answers to complex problems.
INCERT received the Young Professionals Award of Distinction in the u19-create your world category at the Prix Ars Electronica 2021.
INCERT / Isa Mutevelic (AT), Simon Effenberger (AT), David Stummer (AT); Höhere Graphische Bundes-Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt, Credit: tom mesic
create your world, INCERT, Credits: Isa Mutevelic, Simon Effenberger, David Stummer
create your world, INCERT, Credits: Isa Mutevelic, Simon Effenberger, David Stummer
create your world, INCERT, Credits: Isa Mutevelic, Simon Effenberger, David Stummer
create your world, INCERT, Credits: Isa Mutevelic, Simon Effenberger, David Stummer
create your world, INCERT, Credits: Isa Mutevelic, Simon Effenberger, David Stummer
create your world, INCERT, Credits: Isa Mutevelic, Simon Effenberger, David Stummer
Isa Mutevelic (*2002), Simon Effenberger (*2002), David Stummer (*2003) have been attending the Höhere Graphische Bundes-Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt in Vienna since 2017. Together they conceived and produced the animated short film INCERT within four months.