New technologies and processes enable fashion production to return to places where textiles are worn. Right next to consumers, accustomed to their individual needs, produced out of sustainable materials. Re-FREAM´s vision is to make fashion production, processes and materials more sustainable and inclusive, and to manufacture them in urban settings. In this panel, international artists, designers and experts discuss their perspectives on future options for clothing production. They share their experiences with inclusive development processes, new sustainable material and encountered chances of urban manufacturing. Over a nine-month period, the artists and designers were part of a co-research and co-creation project named Re-FREAM, guided by a specific art/tech collaboration methodology in which they employed some of the most powerful technologies from some of the world’s most cutting-edge labs. The focus of the research is on the future of urban manufacturing of fashion by using additive manufacturing (3D printing), electronics, textiles and eco-innovative finishing together with social and environmental values to create a new value chain for fashion.


Malou Beemer, Alex Bello, Loreto Binvignat, Sophia Guggenberger & Eugenia Morpurgo, Silke Hofmann, Anke Loh, Filippo Nassetti & Vincenzo Reale, Tim Van der Loo & Sandra Nielsen (Re-FREAM Artists); Karin Fleck (Vienna Textile Lab); Moderated by Christiane Luible-Bär and Isabel Berz