Linz, In Kepler's Gardens

A Personal Story of Trying to Relate or A Toolkit for Embodied Media

The foldable Material Internet Field Kit: Linz is a collection of stories and images, a list of GPS coordinates, a map, and, above all, an attempt to meet the embodied internet in Linz. They are postcards of the places where the internet shows its materiality; personal efforts at an approach to an elusive medium, as well as narratives of failure. On the front, the map gives an impression of the density of the network of transmission towers, power plants, cable networks and data centers. On the back, it provides information about the nature of the local cloud with photographs, links, references and narratives.


This project was created as a visual by-product of the research project Building the Symbiotic Net, a theoretical dive into ways of contributing to a socially and ecologically response-able Internet at the very local scale of Linz. The project was conducted at the Linz University for Art and Design and supervised by Prof. Karin Harrasser.