MycoMythologies: Storytelling Circle is an on/off_line performative workshop that evokes and employs the mycelial mind of the attendants through nodes of knowledge gathering practices and embodied mycology. Participants create their own mycomythological, speculative stories to share with one another and donate to the Spawn database. Participants will learn about World Networks Entanglement also known as planetary infrastructures through the various portions of the performative workshop: How to be a Mushroom Hunter soundwalk, Spores and Networks guided meditation, Mycelial Storytelling Objects, Carrier Bag Weaving tutorial and Mycelial Map-Making. Each portion of the workshop is a node in the mycelial web: networking, expedition, gathering story spores, making maps, storytelling and spawn.


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Saša Spačal: Postmedia artist working at the intersection of living systems research, contemporary and sound art. Her artistic research focuses on entanglements of environment-culture continuum and planetary metabolisms. By developing technological interfaces and relation with soil agents, addresses the posthuman condition which involves mechanical, digital and organic logic within contemporary biopolitics and necropolitics. Her work was exhibited at venues such as Ars Electronica Festival (AT), National Art Museum of China (CHN), Perm Museum of Contemporary Art (RUS), Prix Cube (FR), Transmediale Festival (DE), Onassis Cultural Center Athens (GR), Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (SI). Her works received awards and nominations at Prix Ars Electronica, Japan Media Art Award, Prix Cube, New Technology Art Award and New Aesthetica Prize.

Kaitlin Bryson: Ecological artist concerned with environmental and social justice. Her art practice and activism are focused on biological and metaphysical applications of healing, responding to the pervasive persistence of harm in the world. Bryson primarily works with fungi as resource, metaphor and collaborators for her artworks. Bryson received an MFA in Art & Ecology from the University of New Mexico and currently lives and works in Los Angeles, CA . Bryson has received support from the Lannan and Andrew W. Mellon Foundations to create ecologically, remediative artworks. In 2019, Bryson co-founded The Submergence Collective an environmental arts collective focused on projects that imagine more collaborative, creative, hopeful and ecologically connected futures for our human species and rest of the living world.


UCLA Art Sci Center’s garden is organized around the themes of our 2024 Getty Pacific Standard Time: Art x Science x LA exhibition, Atmosphere of Sound: Sonic Art in Times of Climate Disruption. Getty Pacific Standard Time Art x Science x LA UCLA Art Sci Center California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) Harvestworks Digital Media Art Center Leonardo ISAST