Silke Hofmann is rethinking the conventional post-mastectomy bra on a structural level to co-create a wearer centric, modular and customizable bra alternative supporting women’s individual needs following breast cancer. In her design practice, Hofmann is interested in the wearer-garment relationship, and in conceptualising garment development processes that advocate consumer participation and co-creation. She believes collaborative clothing developments produce more inclusive and need-specific designs that bare the potential to fill neglected gaps in underserved clothing needs. Her design research is situated in the female health spectrum and focuses on aesthetic and ergonomic bra needs of females affected by breast cancer after mastectomy.


The project involves an international consortium of partners with experience in technology, research, fashion, and design, as well as art-tech transfer expertise.
Project management: CREATIVE REGION Linz & Upper Austria
Hub management Linz: CREATIVE REGION Linz & Upper Austria
Hub management Berlin: Wear It Berlin GmbH
Hub management Valencia: AITEX (Asociación de Investigación de la Industria Textil)
Technology partners: Care Applications S.L., Consorzio ARCA, Empa, Fraunhofer IZM, Haratech, IED (Istituto Europeo di Design), Profactor, Stratasys, University of Art and Design Linz / Department Fashion & Technology Re-FREAM is a START-S lighthouse project
engineered knit design by case studies
self-directed support structure design by WINT Design Lab
yarn sponsored by Südwolle Group