Linz, In Kepler's Gardens

The animated short film Silence is an interpretation of the poem “Today and Tomorrow” by Paul Celan. In a few scenes Felix Zorn-Pauli reproduces the atmospheric mood of the poem in an abstract staging. It was important to the artist to express his personal interpretation and his own feelings about the text.

So I stand stony, toward the distance to which I led you:
Washed out by quicksand the two caves at the brow’s nether edge. An eye-gathered darkness within.
Pounded through by silently-swung hammers the place where the wing-eye brushed me.
Behind it, recessed in the wall, the stair on which the Remembered crouches.
To this place, poured out by nights, comes trickling a voice from which you draw your drink.

“Today and Tomorrow,” a poem by Paul Celan

Silence was awarded a Young Professionals Honorary Mention in the u19-create your world category at the Prix Ars Electronica 2021.

Felix Zorn-Pauli: Felix Zorn-Pauli (*2004) currently attends the HTBLVA Graz-Ortweinschule. Since 2015, he has been passionate about creating videos, films and trying his hand at VFX. His areas of expertise are editing, animation, VFX, social media, HTML / web and graphic design.


With support from: Johannes Steger, HTBLVA Graz-Ortweinschule