create your world | Young Professionals recognition, Prix Ars Electronica 2021

Sprechende Teslaspule

Nikolaus Juch (AT)

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Linz, In Kepler's Gardens

The Talking Tesla Coil can play back any audio sequence without pre-processing. For example, it can play human speech or music directly from a smartphone in real time. During playback, the power of the Tesla coil becomes sensually perceptible: visually, it offers an impressive spectacle of colored flashes, and the ozone produced in small quantities can be smelled.

The Tesla coil is a resonant transformer that transforms low voltages in the primary branch up to several thousand volts. This ionizes the surrounding air, causing lightning discharges and expansion of the air. The continuous modulation of the lightning produces sound waves that can be perceived by human hearing.

The artist is keen to get more young people interested in electronics and STEM subjects through his project. He would like to present the Talking Tesla Coil in schools, among other places, to vividly demonstrate what can be done with modern power electronics.

The Talking Tesla Coil was awarded Young Professionals Honorary Mention in the u19-create your world category at the Prix Ars Electronica 2021.

Nikolaus Juch: Nikolaus Juch (*2002) is a graduate of the Model School Graz, where he already took part in the Prix Ars Electronica u19-create your world competition with the entire school class in 2014 as part of his BE lessons. Since 2017, he has been studying in the electrical engineering program at Graz University of Technology. In the course of this study, the project Talking Tesla Coil emerged from an idea developed together with the head of the Institute of Electronics, Professor Bernd Deutschmann.


Support: Bernd Deutschmann, Klaus Krischan und Gunter Winkler