Post-Dervish Chant
Smirna Kulenovic (BA) & TAZ 22 (IR, DE, PL, USA/GR, RS, CZ), Indiara Di Benedetto (IT)

A transdisciplinary performance situated as a contemporary interactive audiovisual and performative research of traditional Dervish dance methods. The process of repetitive whirling in traditional Dervish dance allows the performers to enter a trance state which extends into an experimental, novel and spontaneous movement vocabulary that attempts to embody the relationship between diffraction, memory and vulnerability in post-pandemic, human and non-human materialities. The processual employment of dance, movement and vocalization becomes a form of inquiry, rooted in personal documentary approaches done by each participating artist.

Generative Arts
Campus Hagenberg, Fachhochschule Oberösterreich (AT)

Deep Space in the Ars Electronica Center is not solely a venue for showing artistic and educational content, but also an active laboratory for experiments in interaction and perception. Three student works from the Hagenberg Campus of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria were developed within this student lab context over the past year.

Is it you, my dear AI or is it me?
Bruckmayr_Dorninger (AT)

In "Is it you, my dear AI or is it me?" Wolfgang Dorninger works with small sound tools that he soldered himself, but also with autogenerative, software-based sound modules. These are tools he uses to trigger inspiration. Didi Bruckmayr dreams with the machines, which send messages to each other. As then he marches along a beam into the abstract landscapes of the ”signed distance fields.” Sometimes he ”speaks in tongues” and all this in real time 3-D.

3D Cartography of COVID-19 Research
Ars Electronica Research Institute Knowledge for Humanity k4h+ (AT), exploration space / Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)

More than 600,000 scientific articles on the virus have been published to date, with most of them having been written since January 2020. In order to grasp the magnitude of this literature and reveal the invisible (net-)work of scientists behind it, we made use of artificial intelligence to create a three-dimensional data visualization that displays all of these articles as luminescent spheres.

Cisco Italy s.r.l (IT), Logotel (IT)

What happens when artificial intelligence (AI) and human creativity intersect? Naked AI, a research project created and launched by Cisco Italia and Logotel, looks at how this encounter can lead to an evolution of human relationships, in companies and in society at large. There have already been encounters, and confrontations, between human creativity and AI.

New Horizon
Resch Oliver (AT), Veith Florian (AT), Kronsteiner Philip (AT), Maureder Christoph (AT)

​Nowadays, everyone uses their smartphone to carelessly send sensitive information, while blindly trusting the systems in the background, without knowing what is happening behind the scenes. We aim to enable people to follow their data by showing everyone how the transfer works in a comprehensible and interactive manner. This is done by using a person tracking technology within the AEC Deep Space 3D environment.

Cooperative Aesthetics
Zeitbasierte und Interaktive Medienkunst, Kunstuniversität Linz

For the fourth time, new projects on Cooperative Aesthetics will be presented in Deep Space during the Ars Electronica Festival, to enable visitors to share an audiovisual aesthetic experience.