
PROOF OF ART – A brief history of NFTs
OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH (AT), Jesse Damiani (US), Fabian Müller (DE), Markus Reindl (AT)
OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH presents PROOF OF ART, the world's first museum exhibition on the history of NFTs and digital art. Congruously to the topic the show is viewed offline at the Francisco Carolinum but also online in Cryptovoxels, a blockchain-based virtual world. In light of the developments surrounding NFTs in art and the art market, a retrospective of their history - and why they are suddenly on everyone's lips - becomes compelling.

Creators Economy: Unlocking the NFT potential
Ulvi Kasimov, Fabin Rasheed, Vitomir Jevremovic; Moderator: Aleksandra Artamonovskaja
Creators economy: unlocking the NFT potential panel focuses on the use of NFTs in Art...

Rethinking Local Food - International Online Hackathon
Ars Electronica & Linz Center Of Mechatronics Hackathon 2021 Edition
Agriculture requires innovations to increase both quantity and quality in production, but also to increase efficiency in resource management. This year Ars Electronica in collaboration with LCM organizes a foresight technology Hackathon training which addresses challenges of the Agri-food industry to be faced by the world, global trends in specific sectors of the Agro industry, prospects for their development.

CODE: Reclaiming Digital Agency
IMPAKT [Centre for Media Culture] (NL), School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe (DE)
As our lives are increasingly taking place online, digital rights are important. But what are our online rights? How can we influence policies? CODE brings together artists, non-artists, politicians and policymakers in a dialogue to implement and improve laws and legislation that will protect our rights as digital citizens and online consumers.

Branch Magazine Symposium: Intercitizenships and the Internet(s) of Solidarity and Care
Speakers: Eliza Anyangwe (CM/UK) Storyteller and editor. Founder of The Nzinga Effect, Felipe Castelblanco (CO/US) Multidisciplinary artist, researcher and initiator of The Para-site School, Pia Mancini (IT) co-founder & CEO at Open Collective, Host: Andres Colmenares, Co-director, IAM & The Billion Seconds Institute (CO/ES)
In this panel we will discuss how words can help us shape better worlds and become thinking tools to address the ongoing crisis of imagination by cultivating a shared sense of identity and belonging to Planet Earth. We’ll explore this idea through a set of hypothetical questions around the concept of intercitizenships.

Luz A. Crespo Valentín (PR), Brad Dean (PR), Johnny Lugo Vega (PR)
As part of our approach to this year’s theme, A New Digital Deal, we want to showcase the Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust’s mission to apply digital technology, innovation and research to resolve the social challenges that afflict Puerto Rican communities.

Extraordinary Times Call for Extraordinary Vision
Diana Ayton-Shenker, Leonardo/ISAST, CEO: ASU-Leonardo, Executive Director (US)
The rapid digitization of human culture intensifies the urgency for a corollary to humanize digital culture. Humanizing digital culture is critical to advance a New Creative Agenda and apply a creativity lens that augments and accelerates regeneration with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

8K Stream from Immersive Multimedia Labs at PSNC
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PL), Spin Digital Video Technologies GmbH (DE), Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
When 7,680 x 4,320 pixels along with multi-channel sound are transmitted live from PSNC's labs in Poland to Deep Space 8K in Linz using a variety of cutting-edge technologies and prototype hardware and software, even the most experienced Ars Electronica Futurelab researchers' excitement mounts. For the first time in history, international university teams will compete in two formulas: on-site and remotely.

CoBot Studio
LIT Robopsychology Lab, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (AT), Center for Human-Computer Interaction, Universität Salzburg (AT), JOANNEUM RESEARCH – ROBOTICS (AT), Polycular OG (AT), Österr. Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence OFAI (AT), Blue Danube Robotics GmbH (AT), Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
When humans and robots work side by side, it’s not always easy: widespread skepticism and a lack of communication paradigms will create new challenges in future work environments. How can trust and acceptance be established in the workplace of the future? How can human-robot work environments be designed?

Deep changing - About transforming society through a social value change
Speakers: Luka Frelih (SI), Veronika Liebl (AT), Miha Turšič (SI/NL) Moderator: Jurij Krpan (SI)
In this panel discussion we intend to look at the experiences of establishing konS ≡ Platform, a national network of institutions as hubs of investigative learning, radical art-making and translating art ideations into possible innovations for a more ethical coexistence of technologies, man and nature, by comparing it with the experience of two other platforms - Ars Electronica in Linz and the Waag Society in Amsterdam, which intensively engage in the inclusion of all social groups into the processes of critical societal transformation.