Linz, Kunstuniversität

2.0 – Diskurse aus der digitalen Welt

Daniel Huber (AT)

2.0 is an intermedia journal for digital world discourses, with the first edition devoted to virtuality and un-mortality. Through interactive elements and virtual layers, the traditional print medium becomes an analog-digital hybrid medium. The aim of the publication is to explore the rapidly changing social and societal realities and abysses.

Die Vielfalt des Sonnenlichts

Bettina Mörz (DE)

“How can the diversity of sunlight be visually represented in terms of temporal and geographical aspects?” is this project’s starting point. It is structured through three different themes and media: see, research and experience. In this exhibition, the topic of “research” is shown via data visualizations.

My Grow Biome

Nadine Schütz (AT)

There are trillions of microorganisms living on and inside our body which are essential to our health and happiness. A better understanding of human-microbe interactions could prevent many health issues. This work aims to translate microbial processes into visually perceivable experiences. The shown display enables microorganisms to create individual shapes. The viewer witnesses microbial creation in real time.

Planet B

Vasilisa Aristarkhova (RU)

Planet B explores colonial patterns in both space exploration and visual communication and aims to broaden the discussion in these spheres. Within the installation, Aristarkhova tries to imagine what happens if nothing changes and the world is not closer to decolonialisation than it is now, as well as to answer the question of how the colonial past can influence and shape our future. The project gives a new perspective on the issue, and allows us to look at our biases from a different point of view – from the year 2050.

post-covid fictions

A Design Fiction Project with Augmented Print by the Department of Visual Communication

Valerie Danzer (AT), Iska Alena Gebhard (AT), Stefanie Hoffmann (AT), selim eins (AT)

The Covid-19 setting has made it challenging to speculate about alternative futures. Corona narratives and preventive measures dominate the discourse. The feeling of uncertainty fuels adversarial reactions and resistance, leading to conspiracy hypotheses and social control. In this climate of dystopian surveillance and the lockdown of feelings and interactions, we are looking for a more nuanced vocabulary and a more colourful range of possibilities for action. What are the ways out of a shocked society paralysed by order instructions during a pandemic?

We create speculative design objects through which to track down the moods, fears, needs and desires in contemporary urban situations. By using augmented print objects in different scenarios, viewers can experience a range of possibilities for alternative realities that stimulate interaction. post-covid fictions are visual interventions in the city space to contrast dystopian realities with “smartness”, resilience, alternative images and colourful calls to action through speculative design.

Curator: Barbara von Rechbach (AT)