Interdisciplinary Transformation University Austria (IT:U)
The IT:U x Ars Electronica FOUNDING LAB’s purpose is to create impulses for IT:U,
a pioneering university in Linz, Austria.
IT:U was founded in 2022 (initially under the name IDSA), its research and teaching are dedicated to all dimensions of digitalization and its transformative effects on science, art, society, and the economy. The
university is built on interdisciplinarity and inter-university cooperation. It aims to attract
students who are interested in the interaction of technical studies, natural sciences,
economics, law, social sciences, humanities, cultural studies, and artistic disciplines.
Within IT:U x Ars Electronica FOUNDING LAB students and IT:U Fellows from diverse
fields and backgrounds will collaborate in questioning, discussing and shaping the impact
of digital transformation on the future of nature, tech and people.
If you have questions or require support, reach out to our team: foundinglab@ars.electronica.art