LAST SUPPER INTERACTIVE (LSI) is an 8K/3D stereo VR immersive interactive storytelling articulated in eight scenes, based on Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece: The Last Supper, (Italian: L’Ultima Cena) an icon of Italian Renaissance art. LSI draws visitors in and between, inside and behind the painting, while also transporting them into the historical context, the architectural complex of the Dominican Monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie and inside the north wall of The Refectory where Leonardo created the masterpiece between 1494 and 1498 for his patron Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan. LSI enables the audience to visit and explore the painting with zoom-in capabilities, up to a square millimeter of a 21-billion-gigapixel image. The visitor can also step inside The Last Supper painting—be virtually transported inside. Once inside, they can explore where Christ and the Apostles have dinner, go around the room and the apostle, interact, step “inside” the back room behind the Apostles of the painting, look at the Refettorio from the point of view of Jesus Christ, and get a real feel of how the painting is inside and how the Refettorio could appear from “inside” the painting.
Presentation by
- Author: Franz Fischnaller
- Speaker: Prof. Paola Salvi, renowned scholar on Leonardo da Vinci, Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, Department of Visual Arts, Milan, Italy

Please note: Limited capacity, registration required – in addition to a valid ticket, you need a (free) ticket reservation for the respective event in advance. Reservations for Deep Space 8K events must be scanned on-site no later than 15min before the programme starts.
Language: English
Author: Franz Fischnaller
Ultra-high definition image of the Last Supper of Leonardo da Vinci © Haltadefinizione® Image Bank by concession of Ministero della cultura – Direzione Regionale Musei Lombardia; Prof. Gabriele Guidi, PhD. Indiana University, IN, USA, Department of Informatics – Virtual World Heritage Lab; Laura Micoli, PhD, Umair Shafqat Malik, PhD. Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Department of Mechanics – Computer Vision and Reverse Engineering Lab; Univ Rennes, INSA Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA, France; Mathieu Godineau; DIAC; Music & Sound: Steve Bryson, Alfredo Miti.
This presentation as part of the 2023 Festival was realized with the support of the Italian Embassy in Vienna.
Franz Fischnaller (IT)
Interdisciplinary scholar, polymath and practitioner (author, artist, designer, project manager), whose work spans the field of arts, design, technology, science, ecology, digital humanities and cultural heritage. FF’s artistic hybridism gravitates around unconventional combinations of multiple-perspective and multi-layer creativity. His approach embraces a permeable interdisciplinary applied research methodology across intuitive interconnection and cross-fertilization through different art forms, disciplines and shared practices with mindful creation of knowledge.
Prof. Paola Salvi (IT)
Paola Salvi is professor of Semiology of the body at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan (Italy), where she held the post of Deputy Director. Internationally renowned scholar of Leonardo da Vinci, among the exhibitions in which she was curator are: Leonardo da Vinci: Treasures from the Biblioteca Reale, Turin at the Morgan Library & Museum in New York (2013-2014); Leonardo da Vinci. Drawing the future, at the Musei Reali in Turin (2019); Leonardo da Vinci and Guido da Vigevano. Anatomy in figures, at the Sforzesco Castle in Vigevano (2019) and at the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan (2020). She is the author of the books Leonardo’s Anatomy: “To Draw and describe” (2012, 2016); Leonardo da Vinci and the Brera Academy (2021) and of the essay Leonardo e le ‘regole’ della natura, about the Leonardo’s epistemological concept of Nature. She has been a member of numerous scientific committees, including Leonardo’s Works project of the ICPAL in Rome. She has devoted studies and in-depth profiles to the Vitruvian Man and the famuous Self-Portrait by Leonardo.