AI & Human. Who Owns the Truth? is a unique showcase approaching topical disputes of our time, from data ownership and ethics of data harvesting to authorship in the age of AI, love in time of crypto, deepfakes and image credibility. Using computer vision and machine learning, Soft Evidence is a series of filmic deepfakes created in classic cinema style. Decoding Bias imagines a therapy for AIs helping them to emancipate themselves from discriminatory algorithms. Backflip shows several absurdist attempts to teach a computer-generated avatar how to do a proper backflip and LoveCounter invites users to an “emotional autonomous region” where they can escape from the omnipresence of big data and manage their own digital footprints. The bizarre images from Planets and Robots are entirely generated by AI, yet animated by humans, showing what it amounts to when humans and AIs are equal partners in the creative process.

Please note: Limited capacity, registration required – in addition to a valid ticket, you need a (free) ticket reservation for the respective event in advance. Reservations for Deep Space 8K events must be scanned on-site no later than 15min before the programme starts.
BACKFLIP, Nikita Diakur (DE), 12’
Soft Evidence, Operator (US/DE), 4’
Decoding Bias, Theresa Reiwer (DE), 31’
LoveCounter, Ruini Shi (CN), 5’
Planets and robots, Antanas Skučas (LT) & Julius Zubavičius (LT), 6’