Not Really Now Not Anymore / Herwig Scherabon (AT/DE), Photo: Herwig Scherabon

Animation Festival: Austrian Panorama

Reinhold Bidner (AT), Daniel Denzer (AT/DE), Siegfried A. Fruhauf (AT), Claudia Larcher (AT), Marius Oelsch (AT), Anna Mutschlechner-Dean (AT), Herwig Scherabon (AT/DE), Rita Weiss (AT), Alessa Wolfram (AT)

Ars Electronica Center, Seminarraum
Sat 9. Sep 2023 17:00 – 18:00

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Austrian Panorama highlights recent animation works of local artists. The selected shorts offer a meditative-poetic, inquisitive, and sometimes even humorous glimpse at more than human worlds, in which the organic and the digital are inseparably intertwined. Nature is neither pure, nor standing as a graspable whole in front of our gaze. It is rather fragmented and densely filled with infinitesimal details which reach beyond human perception. Animation becomes a tool for staging different perceptual calibrations, zooming between different proximities exceeding the human gaze, and redefining notions of physicality and abstraction, natural and synthetic.

Cave Painting – Siegfried A. Fruhauf (AT), 14’

Shroomsday – Rita Weiss (AT), Alessa Wolfram (AT), Daniel Denzer (AT/DE) & Marius Oelsch (AT), 3’

The Great Tree Piece – Claudia Larcher (AT) & Ursula Winterauer (AT), 10’

Internet Gaga – Reinhold Bidner (AT), 2’

Flow until overflow – Anna Mutschlechner-Dean (AT), 4’

Not Really Now Not Anymore – Herwig Scherabon (AT/DE), 8’