cool earth / Michael Najjar (DE), Credit: Ars Electronica – Magdalena Sick-Leitner

cool earth

Michael Najjar (DE)

Ars Electronica Center, Deep Space 8K
Sun 10. Sep 2023 14:00 – 14:30

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The cool earth body of work deals with our planetary future in times of climate change and the role of new climate technologies. In the Anthropocene era humans have become the major transformative force in the Earth system which is fast approaching its breaking point. To counteract the encroaching climate emergency and the existential threat to our planet’s ecosystem, scientists are increasingly weighing up the possibilities of large-scale technical interventions in the Earth’s natural systems, so-called climate engineering.

The series explores the far-reaching ecological, economic and cultural impacts of human-induced climate change which are leading to a redefinition of the relationship between humans and nature. cool earth spans the arc from an impending dystopian future—which has already arrived in our present—to a technology-based, decarbonized, post-fossil world.

Please note: Limited capacity, registration required – in addition to a valid ticket, you need a (free) ticket reservation for the respective event in advance. Reservations for Deep Space 8K events must be scanned on-site no later than 15min before the programme starts.

Language: English

Michael Najjar (DE)

Michael Najjar is one of the most important international photo artists of his generation. In his works he deals in a complex and critical way with the technological developments that are defining and drastically changing the early twenty-first century. Najjar develops his photographic and video works from an interdisciplinary understanding of art. He combines science, art and technology to create artistic visions and utopias of future social orders emerging under the influence of new technologies.