Easing the Passing (of the Hours) / William Kentridge, Robert Hodgins, Deborah Bell, Photo: William Kentridge, Videostill

Easing the Passing (of the Hours)

William Kentridge, Robert Hodgins, Deborah Bell


Easing the Passing (of the Hours)* (1992, Betacam SP, created in collaboration with Deborah Bell and Robert Hodgins) is a computer animation depicting a day in the life of a fictional dictator named the General. Made during South Africa’s late apartheid period before the country’s first democratic elections, the video satirizes the daily routines of a brutal authoritarian despot.

William Kentridge is one of the world’s leading contemporary artists. Famous for charcoal drawings, prints, sculptures and films, his work bears witness to the history of his country of origin, South Africa.

Open: during POSTCITY’s opening hours (6. – 10. September)


Credits: Presented in collaboration with the Johannes Kepler University and the Circus of Knowledge