Essay on Symmetry / Hubert Lobnig (AT), Moritz Matschke (DE), Photo: Hubert Lobnig, Moritz Matschke

Essay on Symmetry

Hubert Lobnig (AT), Moritz Matschke (DE)

Kunstuniversität Linz, Hauptplatz 8
Fri 8. Sep 2023 21:15 – 22:00

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A site-specific project by Hubert Lobnig and Moritz Matschke

The symmetrical arrangement of the bridgehead buildings at Linz’s main square, and the mirror-image equality of the two façades, are the starting point for a site-specific intervention reflecting on the preference of totalitarian systems for simple forms of symmetry. The films, projected simultaneously onto the two opposing façades by two projectors, throw the architecture off balance and turn its interior outward. Two mirror-image figures in the windows can be heard at the pigeon loft, as Sister Ray (Andre Zogholy, Samy Zogholy) varies themes and riffs from Neil Young’s film music for “Dead Man”.


Concept: Hubert Lobnig (AT), Moritz Matschke (DE)
Musicians: Andre Zogholy (AT), Samy Zogholy (AT)
Performers: Ruth Größwang (AT), Severin Standhartinger (AT)
Video Artists: Jennifer Eder (AT), Robert Starzer (AT)

Hubert Lobnig (AT)

Hubert Lobnig, born in Völkermarkt in 1962, studied at the Hochschule für angewandte Kunst (today’s University of Applied Arts) in Vienna. The focus of his artistic work includes painting, drawing, video, photography, as well as context- and site-specific projects and installations in public space (often together with Iris Andraschek). In 1997 he founded Tigerpark, an artistic-curatorial platform. He has been teaching at the University of Art and Design Linz since 1994 and from 2000, was an assistant professor at the Institute of Fine Arts. Since 2013, Professor of Art and Practice at the Institute for Art and Educa­tion. He lives and works in Vienna and Mödring (Lower Austria). Hubert Lobnig is a member of the NGBK in Berlin and the Vienna Secession.

Moritz Matschke (DE)

Moritz Matschke, born in 1985, studied fine arts and art education at the University of Art and Design Linz. His artistic projects are concerned with site-specific installation and intervention, mostly with the involvement of the public. In 2020 he began working on his PhD human storks tangled tracks. He lives in Vienna and works in Linz, currently as an assistant for Art and Practice at the Institute for Art and Education at the University of Art and Design. Moritz Matschke has been on the board of the educational and cultural associa­tion A.R.E.A.L., Vienna, since 2019.