Photo: Collab-Hub, Nick Hwang, Anthony T. Marasco, Eric Sheffield

MoNoDeC: The Mobile Node Controller Platform

Nick Hwang (US), Anthony T. Marasco (US), Eric Sheffield (US)

Anton Bruckner Private University
Sat 9. Sep 2023 13:00 – 13:45

Share Event

MoNoDeC is a multichannel audio system that uses audience members’ mobile phones and IoT-hardware-driven speakers as point sources for configurable and dynamic immersive audio speakers and audience interface. Audience participants register their current location within a customizable audience space (rows or cloud or freeform) on their mobile phones. Their mobile phones become a point source within the immersive experience (performance or installation). During a performance or installation, audience members interact with the mobile interface, which affects the experience in various ways, such as changing the musical form, drawing on a collective canvas, or changing their localized instrument timbre. A performance/installation controller sends audio, control and interface data to participants throughout the experience.

The workshop will demonstrate the usage of MoNoDeC (tool) in the context of the composition Punctuated Equilibrium. Participants would learn about MoNoDeC, Punctuated Equilibrium and Collab-Hub, and take turns being audience and control members.