Bernd Fesel (DE)

Bernd Fesel (DE)
Bernd Fesel has over 30 year experience dedicated to Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries and is the CEO of EIT Culture & Creativity. He is a serial entrepreneur with a long track record of startup creation, creating and supporting public organisations, and bringing to life programs and policies for CCSI. He coordinated the consortium called Innovation for Creative Economy that was designated as EIT Culture & Creativity on 22 June 2022. From 2011 up until taking office as interim CEO, Bernd Fesel was Director of the European Creative Business Network (ECBN), a not-for-profit organization of over 170 members from 44 countries that supports and develops the cultural and creative industries in Europe. Before that, he held the role of vice director of the European Capital of Culture in the Ruhr Region and was senior advisor to the legacy institute of RUHR.2010 til 2018: the European Centre for Creative Economy in Dortmund. He played a key role in EU initiatives such as JRC-Creative City Monitor, Voices for Culture program and ENCATC and setup a European Research Alliance on Spillover-Effects of Culture and Creativity.