Please note:
Limited capacity
Language: English
Warning of explicit content. Age Limit: 18+
Address: DH5, Herrenstraße 5, 4020 Linz
Technology and sexuality have long been interconnected, from ancient cave drawings to modern VR porn. Despite the common belief that tech isolates us, it’s vital to remember that we are a sexual and tool-using species. We can challenge oppressive structures in sexuality by offering new avenues for self-expression and fulfilling underrepresented desires. Sex tech, which encompasses sex machines, biohacking, teledildonics, AI-driven experiences, and bodies with enhanced sexual capabilities, opens up possibilities for resistance. These concepts, often explored in sci-fi and futurism, warrant both intellectual and sensual contemplation. Artificial intimacy can aid us in understanding our desires within the context of societal evolution and potentially help us break free from constraints. Since 2007, Arse Elektronika has been exploring these ideas globally and is eager to bring these essential discourses to Linz. Anticipate talks, workshops, performances, and… well… progressive smut!
THU Sept. 7, 2023
18:00 – 00:00 | Arse Elektronika Exhibition | DH5 | exhibition |
19:30 – 21:00 | Arse Elektronika: Sex, Tech and the Future of Screw-It-Yourself — Keynote by head of festival, Johannes Grenzfurthner | Salon | talk |
21:00 – 21:15 | Peaches & Cream — Thomas Kranabetter & Jasmin Hagendorfer (talk) | Salon | talk |
21.30 – 21.40 | Circuitous bodies — Behiye Erdemir, Volkan Dinçer, Veronica Pace (performance) | Salon | performance |
21:50 – 22:50 | Techno-Fetish Party — Dani Ploeger (talk and performance) | Salon | talk and performance |
23:00 – 00:00 | Hentai Shorts Selection — Sinan Sahin (film screening) | Salon | film screening |
00:00 – 01:00 | Schwammerlbaron (DJ set) | Salon | music |
FRI Sept. 8, 2023
11:00 – 00:00 | Arse Elektronika Exhibition | DH5 | exhibition |
11:00 – 13:00 | BOT or NOT — Thomas Geissl (workshop) | Salon | workshop |
13:00 – 14:00 | Giga guat! — Sebastian Vetter (cooking performance) | Kitchen | workshop |
14:00 – 20:00 | Copy-Paste Hentai! — Big Tiddy Oni-Chan Collective (workshop) | Terrace | workshop |
14:00 – 16:30 | The Pleasure of Hacking — Sabrina Verhage (workshop) | Salon | workshop |
15:00 – 18:00 | OltrelaPelle — Bruxies Lab (workshop) | Kitchen | workshop |
16:40 – 17:35 | Love Tester Machines. Media Archeology of Sexual Appeal — Ania Malinovska (talk) | Salon | talk |
17:40 – 18:35 | Eros, Ethics, and Cyborg Identity in Virtual Space — Quill Kukla & Dan Steinberg (talk) | Salon | talk |
18:40 – 19:10 | Musings of a Mechatronical Mistress — The Peculiar Purpose of Tiffany the Sex Robot — Jasmin Hagendorfer (film premiere) | Salon | screening |
19:10 – 20:30 | Post-film panel discussion “Mechatronic Musings: Discussing Society, Feminism, and the AI Revolution” — Jasmin Hagendorfer, Kate Devlin, Katta Spiel, Iri | Salon | panel discussion |
20:30 – 22:00 | Missex (concert) | Hof | music |
22:30 – 23:30 | Wired Desires — short film selection presented by Porn Film Festival Vienna (film screening) | Salon | screening |
00:00 – 01:00 | Arse DJ Set | Salon | music |
SAT Sept. 9, 2023
11:00 – 00:00 | Arse Elektronika Exhibition | DH5 | exhibition |
11:00 – 11:55 | History of Oral Sex — Maximilian Modl and Daniel Bierdümpfl (talk and performance) | Salon | talk and performance |
11:00 – 12:30 | When Sex Robots Come!— An IT Security Penetration Test and Its Legal and Ethical Implications — Iris Phan (a workshop in German) | Kitchen | workshop |
12:00 – 12:55 | Pleasure Seeker Time Travel Talk: Exploring Love, Sex, Toys and Features in Future Motions — Claudia Virginia Dimoiu & Wenzel Mehnert (talk) | Salon | talk |
14:00 – 14:55 | Beyond the Cleftal Horizon: Generative AI Porn for Diversity, Inclusion, and Empowerment — Stefan Lutschinger (talk) | Salon | talk |
14:00 – 16:00 | Yes/No/Maybe: Mundane Games & Normalizing sexual communication — Cassie Herbert (workshop) | Kitchen | workshop |
14:00 – 20:00 | Copy-Paste Hentai! — Big Tiddy Oni-Chan Collective (workshop) | Terrace | workshop |
15:00 – 15:55 | The Future of Social Sextech — Mahalia Henry-Richards & Abel Enklaar (talk) | Salon | talk |
16:00 – 16:55 | The Fab Lab Cable Orgy Playbook — Noam Youngrak Son (talk) | Salon | talk |
16:10 – 18:30 | How to Cheese AI: A Creamy History of Digital User Interfaces — Hideo Snes (workshop) | Kitchen | workshop |
17:30 – 18:20 | Interview with Anouk Wipprecht | Salon | talk |
18:30 – 20:30 | Technology as a Resistance Tool Against Sexual Norms — Chance or Exclusion? — performance by Uýra and a talk with maiz, Nina Comtessa, sugar pa! a | Salon | talk and performance |
20:30 – 23:00 | Late Night Ultimate Full Contact Wrestling Madness — moderated by Alice Moe, music by ZAK!, stagedesign by Haras Ananas and Christoph | Hof | performance and music |
23:00 – 00:00 | L’«IL YA» DU RAPPORT SEXUEL: Entity, Identity and the Construction of a Situational San Francisco — Jos Diegel (film screening) | Salon | film screening |
Heads of festival: Johannes Grenzfurthner, Günther Friesinger Curatorial team: Jasmin Hagendorfer, Katsiaryna Suryna, Thomas Preindl Host: Walter Stadler
Artists: Alice Moe (AT), Amaryllis and Filonas Baschant (AT), Anton Paievski (RU), Behiye Erdemir (TR), Big Tiddy Oni-Chan Collective (AT), Bruixes Lab (ES/IT), CADerpillar (DE), Christoph Eblie Ebner (AT), Dani Ploeger (NL), Ekaterina Osipova (AT), Franz Ablinger (AT), Gregor Woschitz (AT), Haras Ananas (AT), Hidéo Snes (AT), Jasmin Hagendorfer (AT), Jos Diegel (DE), Kaname “Kenny” Muroya (JP), Kay Kender (AT), Kevin Blackistone (US), Litto (AT), liv (DE), Mar Osés (ES), Matthias Smetana (AT), Max Liska (AT), Missex (ES), momo (AT), Nas (UA), Natalia Shepeleva (RU), Noam Youngrak Son (NL), Offerus Ablinger (AT), paulaner (DE), Philipp Fussenegger (AT), Philipp Schostreritsch (AT), Sabrina Verhage (NL), Sebastian Vetter (AT), Sinan Sahin (DE), Stefan Kainbacher (AT), Thomas Geissl (DE), Thomas Kranabetter (AT), Toma Pilein (AT), Veronica Pace (IT), Veselin Hristov (AT), Volkan Dinçer (TR), Walter Schalter (AT)
Speakers: Abel Enklaar (NL), Ania Malinowska (PL), Cassie Herbert (US), Claudia Virginia Dimoiu (AT), Daniel Bierdümpfl (AT), Dan Steinberg (US), Eva Gengler (DE), Johannes Grenzfurthner (AT), Kate Devlin (GB), Katta Spiel (AT), Mahalia Henry-Richards (GB), Maxiliam Modl (AT), Quill Kukla (DE), Stefan Lacina (DE), Stefan Lutschinger (GB), Wenzel Mehnert (AT)
Night Line: Alice Moe, Amaryllis and Filonas Baschant, Christoph Eblie Ebner, Haras Ananas, Max Liska, Missex, Veselin Hristov, Walter Schalter
Stage Design: Codi, Uwe, momo aka kommunikationsknabe 95
Moderation: Johannes Grenzfurthner (AT), Katsiaryna Suryna (BY), Alice Moe (AT), maiz – autonomes zentrum von und für migrant*innen (AT)
monochrom (AT)
monochrom is an international art-technology-philosophy group, publishing house and film production company. It was founded in 1993 and defines itself as “an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science and political activism”. The group is known for working with different media and entertainment formats, although many projects are performative and have a strong focus on a critical and educational narrative. The group popularized the concept of “context hacking”.