We’re building a user generated sculpture in Linz from old analog and digital devices, and you can help us! Tell us your ideas! Show us your vision! Send us Material! What should the sculpture look like? Show us a picture of your ideas or tell us how it could look in the comments section of our website. You…
At the TOTAL RECALL Symposium session on September 8, 2013, the topic of the day will be the origins and history of various archiving technologies. Frank Hartmann, media philosopher and professor of visual communications, will speak about Paul Otlet, the inventor of an archiving system with many similarities to the ones we’re familiar with today.…
In Occupy History, users can produce a six-second looped video using the Twitter tool Vine. Vines should show how history (and memory along with it) has been transformed by the lens of pop culture. Pictures and symbols have been given new interpretations and new connotations. A few popular examples are Hipster Hitler, Che Guevara as…
One small step for him, one giant leap for robot-kind. On the 4th of August 2013, the crew of the International Space Station ISS gains a new member. A robotic one, named Kirobo and only 34 centimeters in body height. His mission: having chats with the human astronauts. Being their moral support. Martina Mara from…
Molecular biologist Manuel Selg, scientific advisor of the Ars Electronica Center was also involved as expert for the new exhibition “Project Genesis”. We asked him what synthetic biology actually is, about the current state of knowledge and research in this field, and to assess the prospects for development in the coming years.
Writing for the online art project WIR SIND HIER (Opening Festival Ars Electronica 2013), David Dorrell reveals why the modern world is a sinister place, and how it could have gotten so far.
August 1st will see the opening of “Projekt Genesis – Synthetic Biology, Life from the Lab”, the new exhibition at the Ars Electronica Center. One of the works on display is Metabodies by Sonja Bäumel (AT).
Few artists can claim to have made a major impact on popular culture. HR Giger is one of the few. After all, he’s responsible to a very great extent for the pictures that come to mind when we imagine aliens. At TOTAL RECALL – The Evolution of Memory, Giger is the featured artist.
The 2013 Ars Electronica Festival isn’t focusing only on memory and how we deal with it. A big part of this thematic complex has to do with new forms and formats of remembering things—how we can store them to memory and document them. Two possibilities will be implemented in everyday life at the festival, and…
Meter Crawler by Keiko Takahashi (JP) is still on display in Berlin at the VW Automobil Forum Unter den Linden as part of
Orientation is an important part of our life. We use clocks to figure out our position on the time axis, and maps help us find our way in unfamiliar spaces, regardless of whether it’s a new city or a strange continent. Maps have been getting more and more detailed, generating them is an increasingly complex…
TOTAL RECALL – The Evolution of Memory starts on September 5th. The opening event is “We are here”, a transdisciplinary performance about memory, consciousness, responsibility and surveillance. We have talked to Salvatore Vanasco, one of the initiators of this project and no stranger to Ars Electronica.
Lourdes Fernández is the director of Alhondiga in Bilbao. We have talked about “Artists As Catalysts”, the exhibition, that has been curated by Ars Electronica Linz GmbH and Alhondiga.
[:de]openAIR – Accessibility in Radio Production, das faderlose Mischpult, das vom Ars Electronica Futurelab im Auftrag von Radio FRO, dem Freien Radio Oberösterreich, entwickelt wurde, ist seit einigen Wochen im Praxiseinsatz.
Starting on July 4th 2013, “Artists as Catalysts” is the new exhibition curated by Ars Electroncia Linz GmbH. Manuela Naveau, instrumental in curating this project at the Alhondiga in Bilbao/Spain, talks about the topic and the works of the exhibition.
Rejane Cantoni and Leonardo Crescenti are the creative brains behind the kinetic installation WALL, which is currently on display in Berlin and will move to Linz in a couple of weeks. During the preparations for “Like A Second Nature”, there was time for a chat.
Harmeet Chagger-Khan, expert for digital film and media, was working for 8 weeks at the Ars Electronica Futurelab as part of a residency-program. This is her story during those 8 weeks.
Aakash Odedra, a british dancer, has teamed up with the Ars Electronica Futurelab to create a dancing performance including all sorts of technological adds such as tracking, visualizations, projections and more. During his visit in April, when he came to Linz together with his choreographer Lewis Major, there was some time to talk about the…
Ars Electronica Creative Cloud is a workshop series held in the Knowledge Capital (http://kc-i.jp/en/) of Osaka in a brand-new creative hub for innovation through a fusion of human creativity and technology. 10 creative workshops will be conducted in this cultural program curated by Ars Electronica, starting June 2013 to May 2014, including cutting-edge talk sessions…
Alistair McClymont is an artist from the UK, his “Limitations of Logic and the Absence of Absolute Certainty” is showing in Berlin in the VW Automobil Forum Unter den Linden als part of “Like A Second Nature”. Find out what he has to say about his work!