

  • Pixelspaces


    Pixelspaces war eine jährliche Konferenz, die das Ars Electronica Futurelab zwischen 2001 und 2013 veranstaltete. Sie wurde 2018 durch das Open Futurelab abgelöst, das bis heute jährlich einen Blick hinter die Kulissen des Ars Electronica Futurelab wirft.

  • VRizer


    Game Engines on the ARSBOX 2003

    VRizer is a 3D visualization software developed at the Ars Electronica Futurelab which used the latest technology for a graphical representation of data, setting new standards in the field of real-time computer graphics.

  • Humphrey II

    Humphrey II

    In the beginning, there was Humphrey — a mechatronic device that worked in conjunction with a pair of data glasses to simulate flight in a 3-D environment. This installation in the Ars Electronica Center has been a smash hit with visitors since the museum opened, having replaced almost all the exhibits on display there at…

  • Gulliver’s Box

    Gulliver’s Box

    Mixed Reality Installation with visitors as live-projected 3D-avatars.