Emiko Ogawa

  • ZeitRaum


    ZeitRaum (“TimeSpace”) is an interactive art installation the Ars Electronica Futurelab designed for the new terminal at Vienna International Airport. It creates real-time interpretations of arriving and departing flights.

  • Shadowgram


    Ars Electronica Futurelab developed Shadowgram as a method for combining the aesthetic entertainment of creating a physical object, a sticker cut out in the shape of your shadow with the intention of participating in social brainstorming.

  • Human Robot Harmony – Humanoid Robot „Honda ASIMO“

    Human Robot Harmony – Humanoid Robot „Honda ASIMO“

    Ars Electronica Futurelab and Honda R&D were conducting collaborative research into the next generation-relationship between humans and robots. From industrial robots supporting the production process to humanoid robots, many researchers have explored the range of possibilities for robots.