Rachel Hanlon

  • Open Futurelab 2018

    Open Futurelab 2018

    Nach einer längeren Phase der Integration von Beiträgen aus dem Ars Electronica Futurelab an unterschiedlichen Schauplätzen des Festivals, sollte mit der Initiative Open Futurelab 2018 in der POSTCITY erstmals eine zentrale Schnittstelle für das kreative internationale Netzwerk des Labors entstehen.

  • ORI* – On the Aesthetics of Folding and Technology

    ORI* – On the Aesthetics of Folding and Technology

    This research examines how new design approaches that utilise advances in scientific origami, computation, robotics, and material experimentation, can influence the functional aesthetic of the art of oribotics. Situated in the context of contemporary electro/mechanical artworks and objects, and joining the fields of origami and robotics, oribotics is influenced by notions of folding scientifically and…