Das Matsudo International Science Art Festival findet jedes Jahr in der malerischen Stadt Matsudo in Japan statt. Im Jahr 2024 stand das Festival unter dem Motto „City of Artists“ (Stadt der Künstler*innen), um die Kreativität und die Künstler*innen in uns allen zu wecken.
Das Matsudo International Science Art Festival ist eine jährlich stattfindende Veranstaltung im malerischen Matsudo in Japan. Im Jahr 2023 stand das Festival unter dem Motto „Seeds of Hope“ (Saaten der Hoffnung), die Themen reichten vom Wesen der Wahrheit bis zu Naturschutz.
Das Matsudo International Science Art Festival ist eine jährlich stattfindende Veranstaltung in der wunderschönen Stadt Matsudo in Japan. Dieses Festival bringt eine vielfältige Gruppe von Künstler*innen, Wissenschaftler*innen und Forscher*innen aus der ganzen Welt zusammen, um ihre neuesten und besten Projekte vorzustellen. Ziel des Festivals im malerischen historischen Tojo-tei und Tojogaoka Historical Park ist es, die…
From October 16th to 17th 2021, the International Science Art Festival in Matsudo, Japan, took place for the fourth time, on the theme of “OPEN CITY – Inspirational City”. Numerous exhibitions and workshops by Japanese and international artists have been curated in close collaboration with Ars Electronica.
From November 21st to 22nd 2020, the Ars Electronica Futurelab contributed to the International Science Art Festival in Matsudo, Japan, for the third time – on the theme of “Garden of Creativity”.
The School of the Future Festival 2020—a cooperation between Ars Electronica and TOKYO MIDTOWN—took place from February 20th to February 24th 2020 in Tokyo, Japan.
From November 16th to 17th 2019, the Ars Electronica Futurelab contributed to the International Science Art Festival in Matsudo, Japan, for the second time – with an “Ars Electronica Salon” on the theme of “Future Citizen”.
With School of the Future, the Ars Electronica Futurelab has been bringing discussions about technology, society and art into the heart of Tokyo since 2017. In a series of exhibitions and discussion rounds within the Tokyo Midtown urban complex, visitors are invited to explore the impact technologies have on society – and vice versa. In…
In collaboration with the Japanese artist Yoko Shimizu, Ars Electronica Japan first co-curated the Matsudo City International Science Art Festival in 2018. Strongly integrated into local structures, the festival format took its starting point from the existing infrastructures of the university city northeast of Tokyo. A broad creative scene and the scientific and technical institutions located in…
With the first edition of “School of the Future”, the Ars Electronica Futurelab brings discussions about technology, society and art right into the heart of Tokyo. The event, which takes place in the Tokyo Midtown urban complex, includes an exhibition, discussions, lectures and workshops on future issues and their potential development.