Individuelles Programm
Johannes Kepler University: Beyond Coding
The course "Beyond Coding" was developed for law students to address the lack of a legal framework for many transformative technological developments.
Festival University – Ars Electronica & JKU
Students from all over the globe, and technologies that are changing our world: Since 2021, the Future Thinking School, the Ars Electronica Festival and the Johannes Kepler University Linz have been hosting the Festival University.
AMS: Future Studio for Women
In order to support women in re-entering the world of work, a new workshop program was developed with the "Zukunftsstudio" together with AMS Upper Austria and VFQ Gesellschaft für Frauen und Qualifikation.
Barmherzige Schwestern Ried: Think Tank
In order to support the Sisters of Mercy Ried in the development of their health park, a program in think tank format was developed in the Future Thinking School and carried out in November 2021.
Municipality of Linz: Digital Skills Camp
With the Digital Skills Camp, an individual workshop program was developed for new managers in the City of Linz's Municipality to familiarize them with digitization initiatives and the impact of new technologies.