
Magister Raffaello 2020 - Talk
Magister Art (IT), Jelena Jovanovic (IT)
Conceived to celebrate the 500th death anniversary of the renaissance artist Raphael, Magister Raffaello is a new cultural project by Magister Art, digital innovators in cultural heritage content creation, production and promotion. It combines the high scientific value with the constant experimentation of new languages and media, to create an ‘augmented narration’ and a ‘total’ cognitive experience. Magister Raffaello is shown in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute in Vienna.

Project Home
Team Members: Esma Bosnjakovic, Max Haarich, Barbora Horská, Nicole Schanzmeier
Project Home aims to redefine this almost utopian narrative through collecting and sharing personal stories of people who relocated by choice or necessity or struggled with the traditional concept of home for any other reason. By that, we hope to inspire others to question some of the limiting beliefs and recognise their own unique way “to home”.

[Un]seen Sacred Spaces
Team Members: Asma Aiad, Parisa Ayati, Rebecca Merlic, Ines Mahmoud, Mateja Rot
(Un)seen Sacred Spaces is a project that deals with the (in)visibility of different sacred buildings in the cityscape. It questions why some sacred buildings are visible and others are not and why are some deliberately made invisible and what does this do to their communities?

[Alien] Star Dust: Signal to Noise – guided networked meditation
Victoria Vesna with Paul Geluso, Rhiannon Catalyst, John Brumley, Ivana Dama, Clinton Van Arman
[Alien] refers to looking up into outer space for star dust and then turning our gaze back down to earth, extending the idea that everything is interconnected, flowing, flying, and mixing around our planet and beyond.

Keynote Lecture: Tree Conservation, Genomics, and Change
Victoria Sork: UCLA Dean of Life Sciences, Director of Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Gardens
Victoria Louise Sork is an American scientist who is a professor, the Dean of Life Sciences at University of California, Los Angeles, and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In her keynote lecture that will open the five day long festival, she will discuss her research studying tree populations in California and the Eastern United States using genomics, evolutionary biology and conservation biology.

Art in Flux Live: Autonomy @ Flux' channel
The Art in Flux founders introduce the ethos of the organisation and their own practices through live video tours.

STEAM Innovation and Curriculum
Laura Veart (UK), Tom Cahill-Jones (UK)
The conference offers inspirational examples of integrative and interdisciplinary education and explores how they be could be further adapted and implemented within other educational and cultural contexts.

Gerhard Funk (AT)
In this simulation game for approx. 20 people, the visitors have to cooperate with each other and develop a common strategy in order to continue to live and stay healthy in an infectious world.

Acquired Immunity. Beyond Cultivamos Cultura
Virtual tours of the natural and social landscape around Cultivamos Cultura.

Cooperative Aesthetics
Students of the University of Art and Design Linz (AT)
For the third time, the Time-Based and Interactive Media Art department of the University of Art and Design Linz will be presenting 13 new projects on Cooperative Aesthetics in the Deep Space 8k as part of the Ars Electronica Festival. The works were created as part of the course “AEC Deep Space” under the direction of Prof. Gerhard Funk and assistant Prof. Holunder Heiss and enable the visitors to have a common audiovisual aesthetic experience. The interaction between all users, their communication and collaboration are essential.

Exponential Mindset: The Skills of an Exponentialist
Niki Ernst, Eveline Wandl-Vogt
A 4-Sessions dive deep into the Exponential Mindset. An interaction series to consider the SDGs from an exponential growth strategies perspective.

Creative Question Challenge: Quietly Subversive
Ciprian Mureșan (RO), Sanneke Stigter (NL), Corina Bucea (RO)
'Let us finish what we started'. This is how the UN introduces its first Sustainable Development Goal - to end poverty in all forms and dimensions by 2030. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their 169 targets have been described as a sprawling, misconceived mess of grandiose intentions. The title of the development agenda itself - 'Transforming our World' - oozes utopian ambition. It was adopted by 193 nations in 2015. Five years later and with ten years left, how do you think our world will transform?

Creative Question Challenge: Embodied perception and life as movement
Alexandra Pirici (RO), Paco Calvo (ES), Corina Bucea (RO)
'Let us finish what we started'. This is how the UN introduces its first Sustainable Development Goal - to end poverty in all forms and dimensions by 2030. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their 169 targets have been described as a sprawling, misconceived mess of grandiose intentions. The title of the development agenda itself - 'Transforming our World' - oozes utopian ambition. It was adopted by 193 nations in 2015. Five years later and with ten years left, how do you think our world will transform?

create your world space tour: Hacking Humans for Space and STEAM in Space
In partnership with spaceEU, the create your world festival comes directly into your classroom. Under the title “create your world: space TOUR” we can offer you two popular workshops for free. The contents are about future issues as well as competencies such as critical thinking and solution-oriented action. Space serves as a source of inspiration and communication.

Community Creates Mobility: Participatory Speculative Critical Design beyond dream-making for the City.
Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Niki Ernst, Claudia Falkinger, Peter Zehetbauer, Wolfgang Preisinger, Elisabeth Füssl, Penesta Dika, Aleyda Rocha Sepulveda; lightning talk: Jeffrey Schnapp
Co-Envisioning Mobility Infrastructures - The challenges facing cities around the globe are complex and multidisciplinary by nature. Attempting to solve them in conventional linear ways is insufficient for addressing these manifold human-environment relationships that are at the heart of these challenges. Alternative approaches are necessary.

Affordances of spaces
Elena Cologni
Accelerating Knowledge for the SDGs: Life streamed session - The work developed from a two-year long investigation into ‘architectures of difference’, is based on a postcard in sculptor Barbara Hepworth’s collection (circa 1952), in a note she refers to this in terms of the space between people: it’s relational and social aspects. The piece also evolved from considering the punctuations found in our cities’ grounds, and how these contribute to developing a sense of attachment and belonging, which is at the basis of wellbeing (eg. Lived Dialectics, 2016, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna; Seeds of Attachment, 2016/18, New Hall Art Collection, Cambridge).

Step into Space Print at Home Exhibition
Become an exhibition designer and explore the fascination of space at the same time. Print the pdf Step into Space booklet on A4 and the pdf Step into Space Exhibition on A3. The booklet tells you how to do it.

Welcome to spaceEU Linz
Ars Electronica has a long history of working with space related content and narratives. The EU project spaceEU allowed them to open new collaborations on a European level. Together with eleven organizations, Ars Electronica developed and produced a wide range of space engagement activities addressing youth, families and teachers.

Mission X
Mission X is an international school class competition that has been in existence since 2011 and is held annually in over 25 countries worldwide. NASA and ESA have developed a series of exercises and lessons to teach space knowledge, exercise, sports and the importance of healthy eating in daily life.

Countless satellites orbit earth. They constantly provide new images and insights about our planet and move it into ever new perspectives. The view from above is the starting point for an interdisciplinary view of the Earth and the implementation of these themes in design lessons.