Workshop: Data Garden
Eli Joteva and Zeynep Abes

In this workshop you will learn the art of photogrammetry, volumetric collage and shared virtual spaces.

What Type of Crisis is This?
Walter Ötsch (AT)

Die COVID-19-Krise und die Verwundbarkeit der Gesellschaft: Ein Vortrag in vier Teilen.

Workshop: Remote Sensing the Red Planet
Shane Houchin

Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object, area, or phenomenon without making physical contact. Typically performed by satellite or aircraft that measure the reflected or emitted electromagnetic radiation from a surface. Applications of remote sensing include, Geology, Hydrology, Agriculture, Conservation, Urban Planning, Transportation, Glaciology, Forestry, Ecology, to mention a few.

Garage Digital: Worlds beyond Worlds
Garage Museum of Contemporary Art / Nikita Nechaev, Moscow (RU)

Works and practices of several artists and collectives, that participate in Garage Digital program, reflect on the different types of networks, infrastructures, ecologies and algorithms, and pose questions of the possible tactics and strategies to reassemble these systems with new types of communities, modes of rationality and production in mind —cunning, poetic, speculative and emergent.

Lecture on Performance and Interaction
Ruairi Glynn

Dr Ruairi Glynn, Director of the Interactive Architecture Lab, will give a talk on notions of Antidisciplinarity in Design for Performance and Interaction and emerging new types of practice.

Bartlett artists’ videos
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)

A 1-hour collection of student project films from the Bartlett School of Architecture’s Interactive Architecture Lab, Automated Architecture Ltd/Automated Architecture Labs, BioID, Unit 24, Unit 9, Unit 14, RC14.

Alexander Whitley Dance Company
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)

Initiated in response to the Covid-19 lockdown, Digital Body uses motion capture technology to digitise sequences of choreography and makes them freely available online. CHAOTIC BODY brings together three composers and digital artists to collaborate with AWDC company on the creation of three short films and AR projects taking inspiration from chaos theory and the associated geometric patterns in nature.

The Garden of Forking Paths

Online Exhibition In the time of a global pandemic, how can we exhibit and share projects, ideas andartworks with other people in lieu of a physical space? This question informed thecreation of our digital garden project that can be accessed from all over the worldwith an internet connection and a web-browser. We invite you to explore our garden at any time and from any place.


Live Music Event Advancements in technology enable us to surpass the analogue restrictions ofsound production and build novel music instruments for the digital age. In thislive-event, Lia Mice will present PRISM BELL, a large scale instrument exploring thefull-body engagement of the musician. Andrea Guidi & Giacomo Lepri also presenttheir UVTOWER that uses mirrors and lasers to produce rhythm and sound.

re.riddle presents Falling Up
re.riddle, California, San Francisco (US)

re.riddle presents unique programming showcased in site-specific exhibitions and pop-up events worldwide. The itinerant gallery curates socially engaging and multidisciplinary exhibitions of contemporary art. Its mission is to contribute to the discourse on contemporary art in thought provoking and playfully subversive ways. Via new modes of production, reception and consumption, re.riddle places an emphasis on the whimsical, in hopes that art continues to arouse curiosity and promote an awareness of its profound impact on our daily surroundings and lives.

Guided virtual tour of Popa Nan neighborhood of H3 Studio

A guided live tour of H3 Studio and surroundings, situated in a special part of Bucharest that was on the periphery in the early 20th century and is a place of real estate development in 2020. The urban landscape combines residential houses from the early 20th century with factories and warehouses, communist blocks of flats with new residential and office buildings, in a space trying to find its identity for more than a hundred years.

H3 Garden tour

A tour of H3 Garden in Bucharest, home of before detach () exhibition that will take place outside, at dawn, among the silhouettes of buildings about to perish. The final countdown of this place is imagined through light installations that will instil a final outburst of life.

Krzystof Wodiczko, Behnaz Farahi, Memo Akten, Lauren Lee McCarthy (US)

This exhibition examines how different strategies of the ‘gaze’ could be used to undermine various forms of power structure and promote different forms of resistance. It does so by displaying either exhibits illustrating the gaze and voices of marginalized groups, or projects exploring how literal masks might hide or reveal identities. The idea is to use art and technology in combination with critical thinking to convey a powerful political message.

Man & Wah: Artist Studio Profile

Working within the breadth of nature and the cosmos, the Marco and Micro, Man & Wah (AU) produce lush and alluring photographic, moving image, digital and installation based works. Collaborating with a diverse range of people on projects across the globe, they explore the depths of place through local flora; ultimately illuminating synergies between the limits of the man-made and vastness of natural systems and structures. This video follows the artists’ creative process and explores the places they forage for inspiration and meaning. Created in collaboration with photographer and filmmaker Charlie Hillhouse (AU), this studio profile gives insight into the forces that drive Man & Wah to continue to compel audiences to reflect on the phenomenal complexity of plants and the endless possibilities of interconnectedness.

Live Program of Telluric Vibrations, UCLA Botanical Gardens – Los Angeles

Enjoy the extensive live Program of Telluric Vibrations, UCLA Botanical Gardens – Los Angeles

Bioplastics and the New Materiality of Waste
Idil Akdos (NO)

Wie entsorgen wir neue Materialien sicher? Das Team von CitiComPlastic untersucht, wie Abfälle aus Biokunststoff sicher in Kompost umgewandelt werden können. Diskutieren Sie mit ihnen, wie neue Materialien und Umweltprobleme zusammenhängen und wie wir unsere Praktiken, Strukturen, Richtlinien und Perspektiven ändern müssen, um diese Frage anzugehen.

Schools and the Science of Air Pollution
Sonja Grossberndt (NO)

Gemeinsam mit Lehrer*innen und Schüler*innen zeigt uns das Team von NILU, wie man preiswerte Luftqualitätssensoren herstellt und sie am besten zur Erforschung der Luftqualität einsetzt.

Art and Nanotechnology by Marcel Weber
gnration (PT) and INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Institute (PT / EU)

For its Ars Electronica Garden, gnration will present a virtual tour of The Invention of Sense, by German artist Marcel Weber.

What is Noise? Interdisciplinary Discussion
Marc Aguilar and Víctor Jiménez (ES)

Das Team hinter Noise Maps lädt internationale Expert*innen für Geräusche und Klänge ein, um unsere Einstellung zu Geräuschen, ihren Wirkungen und Auswirkungen sowie unsere Handlungsfähigkeit bei der Gestaltung von Klanglandschaften zu diskutieren. Bei dieser Podiumsdiskussion bleibt auch Zeit für Fragen aus dem Publikum.

Art and Nanotechnology - Marcel Weber
gnration (PT) and INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Institute (PT / EU)

For its Ars Electronica Garden, gnration will present a virtual tour of The Invention of Sense, by German artist Marcel Weber.