Arts for All: Aalto University-Wide Art Studies
Aalto University (FI)

The University-Wide Art Studies (UWAS) programme at Aalto University offers all students, irrespective of discipline, the chance to explore and study art and design-based practices and processes. This is a vehicle for the wider ambition of the institution to encourage the formation of transdisciplinary communities of teachers, students and researchers, with a view to tackling global challenges in imaginative and meaningful ways. There is an understanding that art and design should be considered to have a deeper purpose than the simply aesthetic: creativity can help society to be renewed.

STEAM Approaches at Technische Universität Dresden
Technische Universität Dresden (DE)

The Technische Universität Dresden presents a number of approaches that employ concepts closely connected to STEAM and are transferred into/developed for teaching.

Aalto Biofilia: A journey into the biological arts
Aalto University (FI)

Biofilia is a technical facility at Aalto University for studies in the biological arts as a fast-emerging area of interest that fits succinctly with STEAM approaches in artistic practice. It adopts transdisciplinary knowledge sharing to research and curriculum development to explore the intersection between biosciences, engineering and the arts. 

STEAM Fellows in Conversation
Steve Harding (UK)

Meet Dr Steve Harding, coordinator of BCU’s STEAM Fellows Programme, as he talks with Mark Brill (Art, Design, Media), Kusminder Chahal (Business, Law, Social Sciences) and Tychonas Michailidis (Computing, Engineering, Built Environment) about their transdisciplinary projects and how they will help to stimulate engagement across the University.

Oh My, What Now?
David Gillette (US)

Dr David Gillette from California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo delivers the keynote presentation for First BCU International STEAM Conference on future-focused storytelling, interactive design and sustainable futures. Dr Gillette is founder and Co-Director of the Liberal Arts and Engineering Programme at Cal Poly.

Thinking Deeper with STEAM
Rehan Bhana (UK)

Explore connections between academia and industry, learning about our PhD Hub and how STEAM thinking can help businesses tackle challenges through developing deeper perspectives, with Rehan Bhana, Associate Professor at BCU.

Extending Reality: Introducing the Past, Present and Future of Immersive Media
Adam Paigge (UK)

Join STEAMhouse Extended Reality Technician Adam Paigge in his talk about XR, how this can support STEAM collaboration and the ways in which STEAMhouse is leading such approaches in the West Midlands.

Building Interdisciplinary Communities
Deborah Hustic (HR)

Hear from Deborah Hustic, Artistic Director at Radiona makerspace in Zagreb, Croatia, as she outlines her work in STEAM, making and creative investigation.

First BCU International STEAM Conference
STEAMhouse, Birmingham City University (UK)

Aimed at all those curious about cross-disciplinary thinking, researchers, innovators, industrial leaders, artists, scientists, technologists, engineers, mathematicians and those not bounded by their sectors, joined the First BCU International STEAM Conference in July 2020.

STEAMhouse: Make to Innovate
Clayton Shaw (UK), James Hannam (UK)

In this presentation from the First BCU International STEAM Conference you will learn about STEAMhouse, BCU’s centre for collaborative innovation, through an introductory talk from Programme Manager Clayton Shaw and Prototyping & Operations Manager James Hannam.

Scratch-Introduction: Rocket launch!

You can`t get to space without the help of computers – so here’s an introduction for children (10-14 years) who want to learn programming. Via the free online platform Scratch we will animate an interactive rocket launch.

A sketchnote-workshop online - our experience

Participatory workshops with students offer exciting new perspectives for scientific communication, but what happens when they have to be done remotely? In this online seminar we will explore the challenges and opportunities provided by shifting a Sketchnote workshop with students to an online format.

Space in the classroom? - It's not rocket science!

Everybody loves space, but how can teachers include space topics in class? This online seminar offers simple experiments as supplements to “normal” STEM-lessons and introduces extracurricular learning centers that offer deeper dives.

spaceEU Toolkit Launch

spaceEU is an EU project for space outreach and education activities. In order to make these activities available to a wide audience, we collected all our expertise in a toolkit. Find out about how to use it and discover how space becomes a source for inspiration

Sarah Petkus’s Noodle Feet visits the Pavilion of Knowledge

Sarah Petku’s Robot called Noodle Feet is visiting the Pavilion of Knowledge. Join and find out how the Pavilion of Knowledge looks like.

Why stars sparkle…

Rui Agostinho, co-hosted by Ana Noronha, will have a virtual live presentation, answering questions and explaining how we can deduce the chemical composition of stars from their light. Send your questions to ESERO Portugal with the subject line: Why stars sparkle… my questions.

Pavilion of Knowledge: A Virtual Exhibition

Visit the virtual exhibition Pavilion of Knowledge and find out what our impressive space looks like.

Space in your Living Room!

Space in Your Living Room! is an online program that brings astronauts, artists, space scientists and engineers, into living rooms across Europe and beyond. It is a series of fun activities, exciting challenges with amazing prizes, and live events for young people, families and educators. At Ars Electronica Festival we will share conversations between astronauts and artists, and the youth art projects created during the program: including stories, speculative design and young reporters stories.

Step into Space
Online Exhibition

Step into Space is an exciting exhibition developed by Ars Electronica, Science Gallery Dublin and University Leiden that brings together space sciences and art to inspire youths and their families. Space mission will lead you through the story.

STEAM Popup Lab
JKU Linz School of Education (AT)

STEAM Popup Lab bietet eine virtuelle Reise, die uns erlaubt, die Bedeutung der Muster um uns herum zu verstehen. Muster finden sich überall: in Fraktalen in der Natur, in den Blutgefäßen im menschlichen Körper genauso wie in den oszillierenden Signalen, die von den Sensoren eines Telefons erzeugt werden. Sie können Roboter steuern, Origami-Muster falten, das Signal einer Spielplatzschaukel messen, an einer Live-Chemielaborsitzung teilnehmen und vieles mehr.