Artist Talk: Natural Glitch
Kasia Molga (PL/UK), Ivan Henriques (BR/NL)
Live Stream Artist Talk
Live Performance: Augmented Empathy
Live-streamed public outdoor performance
Could an insect, human and android communicate through dance?
Prue Lang, Mathieu Briand, Mark Elgar and Alicia Sometimes
Join choreographer Prue Lang, artist Mathieu Briand and evolutionary ecologist Prof Mark Elgar as they discuss their journey with phasmids and BODY / INSECT / MACHINE, a work that explores the body/androids/artificial movement/intelligence on the one side and the body/human instinct/natural movement/nature on the other.
Prue Lang, Mathieu Briand
BODY/ INSECT /MACHINE is a movement experiment between Prue Lang’s choreography, artist Mathieu Briand’s androids and a Phasmid (stick insect). The work explores the body/androids/artificial movement/intelligence on the one side and the body/human instinct/natural movement/nature on the other.
Live Panel: On Roots and Fruits
This panel is a collection of talks from some of the founding members of FEMeeting regarding the impact of the conferences and other community activities, as well as their perspective on the future development of women in art, science and technology.
On the eve of uncertainty
Charlotte Jarvis (UK)
Der Ort für unsere Tour ist meinem 39 Wochen schwangeren Körper entnommen. Die Tour befasst sich mit dem Projekt In Posse, bei dem ich mit Wissenschaftlern zusammenarbeite, um den weltweit ersten ‘weiblichen’ Samen herzustellen. Sie reflektiert auch darüber, wie die Beobachtung der Wandel meines Körpers während des Jahres 2020 - dieses wandelbarste aller Jahre - eine einzigartig ‘queering experience’ war, die meine Perspektive auf meine Praxis, Politik, das Patriarchat und die Gesellschaft verändert hat.
FEMeeting Seeds
The seeds of our garden, the aromatic herbs and giant sequoias growing within FEMeeting the year throughout, are the members of our worldwide community. This part of our garden’s program includes video testimonies, images and sounds expressing the character and souls of some of the extraordinary women working today in art, science and technology.
A Journey into Ai Hasegawa's practice
Ai Hasegawa (JP)
In diesem Video spricht Ai Hasegawa mit MitarbeiterInnen, WissenschaftlerInnen und ExpertInnen über ihre Projekte rund um Wissenschaft, Sexualität, Leben, Politik und Institutionen. Sie bespricht unter anderem ihre Ansätze zu Human X Shark, (IM)POSSIBLE BABY, The Extreme Environment Love Hotel, Shared Baby, I Wanna Deliver a Dolphin.
FEM Books
FEMeeting 2020 Garden has its own reading corners where you can find more information about the conferences and other meetings. Check out the abstracts for a concise idea on the rich variety of topics researched by the participants of FEMeeting gatherings.
New Frontiers in Water Science
Veena Srinivasan, water researcher
In her Confluence lecture, water researcher Veena Srinivasan calls for a new approach to science that is problem driven, interdisciplinary and grounded in real-world questions. She presents three examples to illustrate why we must consider anthropologic changes in this new approach. She addressed the case of disappearing surface water in the Upper Arkavathy watershed near Bengaluru, the impact of droughts on Chennai and questions whether tree planting is good or bad for streams.
FEMeeting WEB 2020
set of short videos and audio podcasts
The future crashes into the present
Karen Palmer (UK)
Als Erzählerin aus der Zukunft nimmt Karen Palmer die ZuschauerInnen mit auf eine Reise durch eine Reihe von Sendungen aus der Zukunft und warnt uns durch ihre immersiven Filmerlebnisse vor dem, was noch auf uns zukommen wird.
Maja Smrekar (SI)
Als Reaktion auf die Coronavirus-Pandemie konzentriert sich das Projekt !brute_force auf die Zukunft marktgerechter diagnostischer Wearables und AI-basierter Technologien zur Gesundheitsüberwachung. Als Performer klettern ein Mensch und ein Hund durch eine Installation aus Plattformen und leeren Räumen.
spaceEU Toolkit Launch
spaceEU is an EU project for space outreach and education activities. In order to make these activities available to a wide audience, we collected all our expertise in a toolkit. Find out about how to use it and discover how space becomes a source for inspiration
Pavilion of Knowledge: A Virtual Exhibition
Visit the virtual exhibition Pavilion of Knowledge and find out what our impressive space looks like.
A Utopian Post-Colonial Future – Victoria, Australia 2027
Melbourne School of Design (MSD), The University of Melbourne (AU)
Can we imagine a utopia that creates a post-colonial social and political framework and overcomes the concept of land as commodity, inspired by indigenous concepts of relationship to country? Emerge yourself in VR to engage in a multitude of future scenarios that sketch out the potential to reflect on these questions.
Voices of Country
Dr. Rochus Urban Hinkel (AU); in collaboration with NExT Lab, Melissa Iraheta and Tony Yu (AU); Büro Achter April (DE); Dr. Hélène Frichot (AU)
This VR movie is set in the rural landscape of the Dja Dja Wurrung aboriginal tribe in southern Australia. The project tells stories of the land from different perspectives, allowing the audience to move through the site by engaging in a VR environment, with narrators telling different stories.
Interview with Jonathan Parsons and Matthew Sleeth
Matthew Sleeth, Jonathan Parsons, Lubi Thomas
In this interview, the Artist Matthew Sleeth will be joined by his producing partner and Experimenta Artistic Director Jonathan Parsons.
Märchen, Mythen und Materie
Robert Angerer, Sofie Lüftinger, Neriman Polat, Alessandra Steiner
Das Imaginarium zeigt Resultate unserer Experimente – eine Kuriositätenkammer mit Materialien und Artefakten aus fernen Zukünften, Märchen und Mythen…
Austria makes sense @ Weltausstellung "Expo 2020 Dubai"
Ars Electronica Solutions (AT)
Vom 1. 10.2021 bis 31.3.2022 findet die Weltausstellung in Dubai statt. Österreich beteiligt sich mit dem außergewöhnlichen Projekt „Austria makes Sense“