Exhibitions / Projects
Art in Flux: Media Arts Now
Art in Flux is a charitable organisation committed to furthering the development of the media arts community in the UK. The online exhibition will present the organisation to the public featuring photographs and video of key projects by ART IN FLUX. The exhibition will also showcase key works by the Art in Flux founders and a moving image program.
The Welcome Chorus
Yuri Suzuki (JP)
A work composed of 12 interactive horns, placed at Turner Contemporary, a contemporary art gallery in Kent, UK. It uses two methods – one is to feed lyrics and melodies by musicians into the AI and the other is to produce a short melody created by the AI recognizing vocal tone, tempo and specific words spoken into the sculptures by gallery visitors. Every few minutes, the work produces a unique chorus.
EMAP group exhibition: Quarantine
Robertina Šebjanič (SI), Gjino Šutić (HR), Anna Dumitriu, Alex May (UK), Tiziano Derme, Daniela Mitterberger (AT), Taavi Suisalu (EE), Quimera Rosa (FR/AR/ES), Kat Austen (UK/DE)
Over the last few years, the EMAP/EMARE network of media arts organizations have produced a multitude of works dealing with life-science and cybernetics that examine the fragile ecological equilibrium of life on Earth. A few of these artists find inspiration from scientific discoveries like archaea, a group of unicellular micro-organisms believed to be the oldest form of life on Earth. Other sources of inspiration include the impact of pharmaceuticals on life in the water and the sonic vision of bats. These artistic explorations envision future evolution in magical and often transgressive ways.
The artistic proposal is presented as a curatorial articulation of multiple and heterogeneous work processes, but characterized by mutation. They are processes of works in mutation and on the mutation, like a seismograph of uncertainty. In their various formats, the works will be joined on the website of the UACh Réplica Gallery linked to the Ars Electronica Festival web platform.
Opera @ Deep Space 8K
Erick Oh (KR/US)
Opera is a cycle of a five-minute animation created by the prize-winning filmmaker and artist Erick Oh.
Ars Electronica .ART Gallery
.art Domains (UK), Ars Electronica Linz (AT)
Together with Ars Electronica, the team behind .art Domains hopes to open a dialogue with digital artists about the possibilities created by the introduction of new tools for online certification of artworks using the DNS system.
Mutations of the image. The revolt of photography
The first Valdivia International Festival of Photography, Directed by Carlos Fischer, was shaken by the revolt. The photographers changed their workshops on the streets. Lectures mutated. Images too. The abundant photographic material produced during those days in Valdivia, along with the video that reconstructs the convulsed days of the festival, make up an unexpected videogram of the revolt that can be viewed on the online platform of the Replica Gallery associated to UACh's Mutations project.
Solar Walk @ Deep Space 8K
Réka Bucsi
Solar Walk, by the Hungarian animation artist Réka Bucsi, is a symphony between humans, animals, creatures, and inanimate and unknown objects.
Electronic Theatre @ Deep Space 8K
Since 1987, the Electronic Theatre has compiled a large number of submissions from all over the world, providing an up-to-the-minute survey of animation art in the context of technology and society. It impressively illustrates the dynamic development of artistic computer animation over the past three decades as well as the expansive growth of various fringe areas. A glance at the works selected this year shows a broad range, from animation in the context of performance and installations to real-time animation and multifaceted, subject-based discussions.
Telluric Mutations. The 1960 earthquake.
On May 22, 2020, 60 years since the largest seismic catastrophe ever recorded in the world was commemorated, a catastrophe whose epicenter was the city of Valdivia. The event had profound landscape, social, economic and cultural consequences for the affected cities and territories. The earthquake was a complex heritage where catastrophe and community resilience converge. The activity of the Austral Garden program is to share the series of initiatives prepared by the Museological Direction of Universidad Austral de Chile.
Prix Ars Electronica u19–create your world
This year’s u19 exhibition will invite all winners to exchange ideas and projects with each other. Their “homebase” will be the physical exhibition of the projects, where the winners can explain these to other artists and visitors. They will share their talents and show the audience of Ars Electronica Festival their view of possible future scenarios. In 2019, the Prix Ars Electronica's u19–create your world category was divided into two sections. First, ideas and projects could be submitted to YOUNG CREATIVES (up to age 14). This sub-category impressively demonstrates how children can help shape the present and future from their own perspective. For YOUNG PROFESSIONALS (14 - 19 years), innovative lateral thinkers who have developed an artistic or critical project for the world of tomorrow are in demand.
Aotearoa New Zealand Hub
The exhibition in Mozilla Hubs features 25 projects from New Zealand's technologists, artists and University researchers. visit www.ars.nz
Festivalpost: Topic Twist
Ars Electronica create your world (AT)
The Festivalpost (engl.: Festival Post) may remind some people of beloved Postcity by name, but the content of Festival Post focuses on this year's festival topics. At least, in the beginning. By the alternation of words, meanings twist and turn and in the end, a chain, a transformation or some form of further development is created as Festival Post. Will democracy become a duck, autonomy a ladder, humanity an alien-eating rocket-pen? We are curious about the journeys the topics will take.
Meter machen
Maria Anna Eckerstorfer, Sabine Touzimsky-Köstler, Wolfgang Schreibelmayr, Lisa Wieder/ Kunstuniversität Linz, Projekt Abteilung Bildnerische Erziehung (AT)
Keeping distance is a very important rule. But as we humans are, situations arise that are hilarious, super funny or totally confusing. At this year's Ars Electronica Festival, we want to collect exactly such scenes. Send us a self-produced photo or a very short text about your experience by mail and follow us on Instagram at kunstuni.linz.metermachen.
future walk
Bettina Gangl (AT), Birgit Pölz (AT), Helmut Doblhofer (AT) –TeilnehmerInnen Virtual Office FAB Linz (AT)
The young people at the Virtual Office have thought about autonomy and how automated processes and AI will influence our future lives. Through different strategies, they will visualize their fantasies, dreams and fears. They share their thoughts and future visions in an augmented reality walk.
CoderDojo Linz (AT)
The CoderDojo is a club for children and young people who want to learn programming and have fun doing it. In regular meetings, they learn how to write code, develop websites or program games and apps.
Reparatur der Zukunft
With the Repairing the Future initiative, Ö1 wants to address the questions of 20 to 30-year-olds and give their ideas more space. Ars Electronica is presenting two projects around this theme
Tagtool Connect
Bei ihrem vierten Auftritt beim Festival Ars Electronica präsentieren OMAi die erste öffentliche Online-Multiplayer-Tagtool-Session, bei der sich ausgewählte internationale Künstler*innen über das Internet zusammenschließen, um spontane Projektionskunst zu schaffen.
Pandemic-Pandemonium! Curated by Kennii Ekundayo
Galeri ODUMIJE, Lagos (NG)
Pandemic-Pandemonium! is a two-part presentation centered on the collective response of Africans living in Africa vis-à-vis current prevalent issues that threaten humankind — racial discrimination, violence against women and the COVID-19 pandemic. Whilst one part makes a statement on the resilience of the human spirit in the face of the deadly coronavirus, the other focuses on the valorization of melanin-rich skin amidst the fatal hostility that accompanies it.
Master Class Audio Design Goes Interactive
Master Class Audio Design @ St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (AT)
The Master Class Audio Design allows students to experience a wide range of audio designs. This is made possible by focusing on four projects which all students design, develop, plan, implement and evaluate independently over the course of four semesters. From this year's semester projects, three were selected to be presented at the Ars Electronica Festival.