
Calvaria – Participatory Walk
Vitalij Červiakov (LT)
Heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, blood oxygen level - all those things we are measuring and recording with portable and simple designed devices and sharing that information for analysis and storing to contemporary or future big data wealthiest. How are different processes of our body and mind changing during walking?

Microorganisms and their Hosts
Mindaugas Gapševičius (DE/LT)
The video Microorganisms and their Hosts proposes to reconsider the ecology of a human while questioning the impact of the microbiome, researching self-healing strategies, and experiencing the artwork in parallel to the changing environmental conditions. How can one experience their microbiome? Is there any dependence between what we eat, how we behave, and what we think?

Sylvia Eckermann (AT), Stieglerhaus
The Ars Electronica Garden St. Stefan ob Stainz takes us on a journey to Sylvia Eckermann’s public art project AUGENSCHEIN. AUGENSCHEIN takes the eye as a symbol for how our society relates to vision and visualisation, in its encouraging and more dangerous aspects.

Fertile Methodologies
Tactical Space Lab (AU)
The Tactical Space Lab is a research initiative focusing on the intersection of art and technology. We are committed to expanding the diversity of stories and voices represented through new technologies via collaborative projects and educational programs across all ages, with the aim of ‘demystifying’ VR, not just for artists, but for the wider community.

Visit the Moon with an astrophysicist!
Cité de l’espace (FR)
Come visit the Moon with French astrophysicist and co-discoverer of ice on the Moon, Sylvestre Maurice! He will guide you through the “Moon exhibition” in Cité de l’espace, the space museum in Toulouse, France. These 4 videos were made as part of the “children’s science conference” that invited pupils to imagine their schools on the Moon. Through the eyes of an astrophysicist who has dedicated his life to solar system exploration, click and discover step by step the immersive "Moon exhibition".

Austria in Space Garden
Austria in Space (AT)
Austria in Space is more than just another website. It is THE place for Space in Austria. At the Ars Electronica Festival, the Austria in Space initiative will present some of their program highlights and show how relevant Austrian innovations are to the global space exploration sector.

Open Futurelab Exhibition
The Open Futurelab Exhibition showcases the current research approaches and projects by the Ars Electronica Futurelab – Ars Electronica's Research and Development department.

Oslofjord Ecologies Expedition
Art in Society Research Group and FeLT project, Oslo Metropolitan University (NO) in collaboration with SENT (NO)
The Oslofjord Garden is a wet and blue video tour of the fjord, encompassing site-specific footage as well as artists’ contributions, archival material and conversations with artists and scientists. The Oslofjord contains ecological connections and challenges that are specific and tangible, cultural practices and interactions. This work is based on the Oslofjord Ecologies artistic research platform and book, Oslofjord Ecologies. Artistic Research on Environmental and Social Sustainability.

The Step into Space Garden
Leiden University (NL)
The Step into Space Garden is a journey of discovery through the story of space and your part in it. It presents online and in person events bring together space sciences and arts, through exhibitions and participatory activities with a focus on projects by and for youth.

Finding Amir / From Jerusalem to the Judaea Desert, Israel
Musrara, the Naggar School of Art and Society (IL)
The day that Covid19 sent us all into isolation, Amir Meir, a member of the Musrara Sonic Art Research Group׳ announced he was going to spend the quarantine in one of the many caves in the Judean Desert near Jerusalem and disappeared ever since. With the aid of space and sound illusions practices, the film "Finding Amir" tries to touch on the in-depth questions about the imagined realities that lie behind the walls of digital and symbolic representation.

Pendulum Garden
Parque de las Ciencias (ES)
The Pendulum consists of 17 pendulums of different lengths and colors which represents the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It aims to make society aware of the importance of achieving them by 2030. In this way, science and art come together to spread the importance of acting globally to achieve equality among people, protect the planet and ensure prosperity as part of the new sustainable development agenda.

Future Life. Interferences, Alterations, Changes.
Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (ES)
The artists in this exhibition work with blood and chlorophyll to investigate the connections between human and plant life. They use microbial cultures, robotic clams and sensors to demonstrate the contamination of the oceans; or apply AI algorithms so that something as innocent as a flower can visualize financial speculation. They also engage with the new icons, practices and virtual devices that define the increasingly polarized and radicalized scenarios of online social and cultural ecosystems.

Sensory Orders
ŁAŹNIA Centre for Contemporary Art (PL)
The Ars Electronica Garden Gdańsk, hosted by ŁAŹNIA Contemporary Art Centre, features Sensory Orders, a project examining the different orders of sensemaking taking place under our (current) conditions of extreme precariousness and uncertainty.

Äänen Lumo (FI), Aalto University (FI), quietSpeaker (FI)
remote/displaced allows for an immersive exploration of a virtualized physical space: Öljysäiliö 468, a vast, decommissioned oil tank in East Helsinki. It takes the shape of a small collection of brief immersive audio-visual visits to this special remote place, exploring ways to listen to the encounter between sound, technology, space and landscape, as it emerges like a precarious ecosystem, where the boundaries between natural and artificial are constantly renegotiated and deformed by technology.

Chronicles of an Art and Science Collaboration, Otaniemi-Espoo, Finland
Aalto University (FI)
The project highlights the use of autoethnographic narrative as tool for artistic and design research. It brings together self-reflections from three scientists who participated in an art and science collaboration dealing with the use of bio-cellulose for art and design purposes. Through their stories we learn about what inspired them to follow careers in science and how the making of a contribution to sustainability and the good of humankind sustains their work objectives.

Journey to Oribotics Atelier of Ars Electronica Futurelab Key Researcher Matthew Gardiner
Matthew Gardiner (AU)
Our journey to visit Matthew Gardiner, key researcher at the Ars Electronica Futurelab in the field of Origami Robotics (Oribotics), takes on a personal tone within his main studio workshop. The basic problem of finding new ways to engage audiences occupies Gardiner’s line of thought while guiding us through the circumstance and development of his latest works.

The Night Sky: Unveiling What Only the Dark Reveals
Open Science Hub - Portugal, Municipality of Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo (PT)
Open Science Hub - Portugal (OSHub-PT; Plataforma de Ciência Aberta) is a social innovation project that brings together science, technology and innovation with the daily life of local and regional communities, supporting schools and societal actors in tackling local relevant challenges. It is a project of the Municipality of Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, in collaboration with Leiden University.

Achaeoscillator_Towards incorporeal forms of sensing listening and gaze
Terra Australis Ignota Research Group (CL) with Santiago Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC)
Achæoscillator displays the drastic weather conditions of the southernmost island in the world on a virtualized representation of the end/beginning of the Americas. A one-person experience, where the research presents traces and connections between the ancestors of the Yagán community, the Kawesqar and Selk’nam and the Antarctic, Scotia and South America continental plates, offering an inestimable and uncontrollable source of Gaia's power.

Real Feelings. Emotion and Technology
HeK (House of Electronic Arts Basel) (CH)
Emotions are at the core of human experience. They influence every aspect of our lives and shape our social behaviour. In the 21st century, technology has started to engage with emotions like never before. The international group show at HeK presents works by 20 artists ―in mediums ranging from artificial intelligence, interactive installations, robotics and biometrics to gaming, video installations and virtual reality by 20 artists― that explore how technology can assess and trigger our emotions.

Claudia Hart’s The Ruins
bitforms gallery, New York (US)
The Ruins is an exhibition that implements still lifes to contemplate the canons of a patriarchal Western civilization: modernist paintings and manifestos of political utopias. Join Hart in an intimate video profile as she discusses the works as meditations on a world in crisis, speaking to an unstable present experienced through the possibility of simulation-technologies that use data to model the crystallization of past, future, and present into a perpetual now.