Create Your World

Der Rapper - Die Dokumentation
Haris Beshta Bradaric, Mohammed Elyesa Bilge, Stefan Hromada, Emre Tuncer / HTL Wien West (AT)
In our project Der Rapper (The Rapper), we report on our fellow student and want to find out what interests him about hip-hop (aside from the money that can be made with it), what plans and dreams he has, how he lives, and who his role models are. At the same time, we want to promote him as well with a professional music video on YouTube and a website of his own.

Jasmin Lersitz, Paul Rosenberger, Jonathan Wiener / HTL Rennweg (AT)
While the range of smart-home systems is constantly growing, the selection of control devices remains limited. *ARTouch* is aimed at remedying this problem. Using modern technologies and innovations such as TouchSense, WPS, 3D printing and much more, we have created a device that makes it possible to transform a drawing into a switch. And operating ARTouch could not be easier: it can be mounted anywhere in one’s living space by means of magnets, which allow it to be quickly and easily removed from the wall for recharging.

Ameisen im Haus
Sophie Dögl (AT), Nastasja Stempkowski (AT)
What problems do you struggle with every day? What problems do I struggle with every day?

Benjamin Aster (AT)
Robdilo’clock is a robot I designed, built, and programmed myself that shows the time in a very special way. Using a gripper, it grasps individual segments and positions them in such a way that they display the time in digital numerals. It is thus a robot clock that in an analog manner (with motors) shows the time digitally, which gives it its name: “ROBot – DIgital – anaLOg – CLOCK.”

In Reactio Veritas
Conflict and arguments have existed for even longer than humankind itself, and for many of us, the term “dispute” has a largely negative connotation. In Reactio Veritas is intended to counteract this. The installation uses electroencephalography (EEG) to generate algorithmic artworks that encourage one to see the unexpectedly beautiful and common elements behind the process of conflict resolution.

Anna Fachbach, Franziska Gallé, Jona Lingitz, Lisa Rass / HTBLVA-Graz Ortweinschule (AT)
SAMEN is an experimental short film on the theme of entering adulthood. As a coming-of-age symbol, we send a boy on a journey through some woods.

Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (DE)
Pollution is one of the most critical contemporary environmental challenges. To tackle it, everyone must be involved. The ACTION Lab offers a chance to engage with cutting-edge citizen science projects that are not only addressing pollution, but also working within the ACTION project to make citizen science participatory, inclusive and citizen-led.

Lennard Barth (AT), Celine Fahrngruber (AT), Samuel Gerersdorfer (AT), Joshua Haiden (AT), Elias Illig (AT), Sophie Kaufmann (AT), Irina Pitterle (AT) Xaver Quintus (AT)
Young filmmakers, young talents, young professionals are asked to film mini-documentaries that capture their perspectives and impressions of the festival’s themes. Instead of one general documentation of the festival, eight short stories will be produced, including different slots and protagonists.

Talent Talks
As a complementary international part of the category u19–create your world of the Prix Ars Electronica, jury member and moderator Conny Lee (AT) is talking with some of this years winners about their ideas, creativity and future visions.

Jugend hackt remote: digital gardening
Jugend hackt Austria (AT), c3 (HU), mb21 (DE), ArtechLAB (NL), Ars Electronica (AT)
We present the outcome of Jugend hackt remote: digital gardening, which is a hackathon for young people from 12 to 18 years. It took place during August 29th and was inviting young coders from Austria, Germany, Hungary and the Netherlands

Young Animations
Every year young gifted filmmakers submit their weird, subtle, witty, utopian, critical and dystopian works for the Prix Ars Electronica’s category of “u19—create your world”, for the mb21 and the c<19 (HU). They show us their strong imagination, their deep understanding of certain topics, and all expressed with their abilities within one media.

The award ceremony of category u19–create your world
The award ceremony of category u19–create your world is the real highlight of the create your world festival. All 24 winning projects are awarded here. This year, the event serves as a kick-off for the subsequent networking opportunities within the create your world festival.

Baukasten der Zukunft
Louise Amcha (AT), Hannah Ertl (AT), Leonid Stanislav Lang (AT) und Marlene Urban (AT)
The Baukasten der Zukunft (engl.: construction kit of the future) is an interactive thought experiment by a young group of artists. The project consists of a large, inviting wooden model of a landscape in which visitors can plan their own city. In addition, at the push of a button, a computer program builds a version of a city under the same conditions. Afterwards, the advantages and disadvantages of each version have to be evaluated and the best solution for our future has to be found.

radio FM4
ORF radio FM4 (AT)
Radio FM4 will once again be plunging into the Ars Electronica Festival this year. The editorial team regularly reports directly from Johannes Kepler University on this year's unconventional festival, in which projects on art, society and technology will be streaming into the whole world. In addition to this, we'll be broadcasting an Ars special show on Thursday from 5 to 9 p.m. on our in-house streaming channel FM4 Spielekammerl, featuring many guests from the festival. On Saturday, a unique hybrid radio show will then take place in cooperation with sound:frame.

The robodrum project is a robotic setup consisting of 4 KUKA robotic arms equipped with drums, which doesn’t aim to replicate a human performance exactly, nor to be better or faster than one. Instead, it becomes an algorithmic system that allows visitors to leave acoustic traces.

Prix Ars Electronica u19–create your world
This year’s u19 exhibition will invite all winners to exchange ideas and projects with each other. Their “homebase” will be the physical exhibition of the projects, where the winners can explain these to other artists and visitors. They will share their talents and show the audience of Ars Electronica Festival their view of possible future scenarios. In 2019, the Prix Ars Electronica's u19–create your world category was divided into two sections. First, ideas and projects could be submitted to YOUNG CREATIVES (up to age 14). This sub-category impressively demonstrates how children can help shape the present and future from their own perspective. For YOUNG PROFESSIONALS (14 - 19 years), innovative lateral thinkers who have developed an artistic or critical project for the world of tomorrow are in demand.

Festivalpost: Topic Twist
Ars Electronica create your world (AT)
The Festivalpost (engl.: Festival Post) may remind some people of beloved Postcity by name, but the content of Festival Post focuses on this year's festival topics. At least, in the beginning. By the alternation of words, meanings twist and turn and in the end, a chain, a transformation or some form of further development is created as Festival Post. Will democracy become a duck, autonomy a ladder, humanity an alien-eating rocket-pen? We are curious about the journeys the topics will take.

Meter machen
Maria Anna Eckerstorfer, Sabine Touzimsky-Köstler, Wolfgang Schreibelmayr, Lisa Wieder/ Kunstuniversität Linz, Projekt Abteilung Bildnerische Erziehung (AT)
Keeping distance is a very important rule. But as we humans are, situations arise that are hilarious, super funny or totally confusing. At this year's Ars Electronica Festival, we want to collect exactly such scenes. Send us a self-produced photo or a very short text about your experience by mail and follow us on Instagram at kunstuni.linz.metermachen.

future walk
Bettina Gangl (AT), Birgit Pölz (AT), Helmut Doblhofer (AT) –TeilnehmerInnen Virtual Office FAB Linz (AT)
The young people at the Virtual Office have thought about autonomy and how automated processes and AI will influence our future lives. Through different strategies, they will visualize their fantasies, dreams and fears. They share their thoughts and future visions in an augmented reality walk.

Tourismus von morgen
Ars Electronica, Oberösterreich Tourismus (AT)
Within the framework of the long-term project "Tourismus von morgen" (Tourism of Tomorrow), submissions from the pool of the Prix Ars Electronica category *u19-create your world* were selected for a commissioned project together with the organization Oberösterreich Tourismus.