Guest Projects

Sounding Linz: Performing Architecture
As a foretaste of this event, the two artists Sam Auinger and Wolfgang "Fadi" Dorninger will set off in the direction of Klangwolke with their "Performing Architecture".

VALIE EXPORT. Collection Care - Exhibition
On the occasion of the artist's 80th birthday, the Landesgalerie Linz honors the Austrian artist VALIE EXPORT with a comprehensive exhibition from its own collection.

sounding garments & sound-gardens: emotional interface zones as auditory spaces
Hana Zeqa, Laura Thaçi, Elisabeth Mirnig & Werner Jauk
the transparency of envelopes of the body as social interfaces amplifying the hedonic body

Crossing Europe, VALIE EXPORT Center
This year, CROSSING EUROPE will dedicate its Tribute section to one of the most important representatives of international media, film, and performance art: VALIE EXPORT. She was born in Linz in 1940, where she also grew up. On the occasion of her 80th birthday, and on the initiative of the VALIE EXPORT Centre Linz in cooperation with CROSSING EUROPE and sixpackfilm, a comprehensive program of VALIE EXPORT’s films and videos will be shown for the first time in her place of birth at this year’s edition of CROSSING EUROPE.

Team Members: Clara Roth, Robbie Ierubino, Peter Sauleda, Maria Kallionpää, Kathi Schulz
Harmony fosters an inclusive atmosphere among strangers, reframing the concepts around co-creation and collaboration. Co-composing can be intimidating at times, as there is pressure to perform.

Project Home
Team Members: Esma Bosnjakovic, Max Haarich, Barbora Horská, Nicole Schanzmeier
Project Home aims to redefine this almost utopian narrative through collecting and sharing personal stories of people who relocated by choice or necessity or struggled with the traditional concept of home for any other reason. By that, we hope to inspire others to question some of the limiting beliefs and recognise their own unique way “to home”.

[Un]seen Sacred Spaces
Team Members: Asma Aiad, Parisa Ayati, Rebecca Merlic, Ines Mahmoud, Mateja Rot
(Un)seen Sacred Spaces is a project that deals with the (in)visibility of different sacred buildings in the cityscape. It questions why some sacred buildings are visible and others are not and why are some deliberately made invisible and what does this do to their communities?

Neo Christopher Chung
The world is at a critical junction where polarizing forces are working hard to keep us divided and troubled. We are witnessing the rise of exclusionary laws and policies, fueled by the dark side of the Internet and algorithms. Across Europe and beyond, the challenges of civil unrest and human rights are negatively affecting marginalized populations and creating intractable divisions. How can we use public platforms and new media to create inclusive outlooks and to create new political spheres?

Future of Inclusion Lab
Rashin Fahandej (US)
American Arts Incubator is a creative exchange program that utilizes community-driven digital and new media art projects to instigate dialogue, build communities, bolster local economies, and further social innovation while addressing a local social or environmental challenge. This year’s iteration in Austria was led by artist Rashin Fahandej, who ran the “Future of Inclusion Lab,” a series of co-creation workshops that provided technology and resource access to Austria-based creatives.

VALIE EXPORT Center Linz – Guided Tour
The managing director of VALIE EXPORT Center Dagmar Schink will host the special guided tour during the Ars Electronica Festival.

Grand Garage Team (AT)
3-D printing workshop for kids between 10 and 14 years (one parent must be present during the workshop) who want to get to know about 3-D printing technology. You will learn how to prepare a 3-D model and start printing. Of course, you can take your finished object with you.

Grand Garage Team (AT)
Lasercut Intro-Workshop for kids between 8 and 12 years, who like to do handicrafts and learn about new technologies. We get to know the laser and assemble a honeybee from a wooden construction kit.

Grand Garage Team (AT)
Soldering workshop for kids between 10 and 14 years (one parent must be present during the workshop), who want to learn the basic skills of soldering. Grab an adult and solder your own LED cube!

Grand Garage Team (AT)
The GRAND GARAGE is the innovation lab for humans, knowledge and technology based in the tobacco factory in Linz.

OK Night 2020
OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH AT
OK Night is a yearly presented nightline format at OÖ Kulturquartier on Ars Electronica’s Saturday. Originally conceived to present performative works from the range of Prix Ars Electronica awarded works the night also features local and international club culture.

Holy Hydra 3.0
Die geile Hydra & Raumteiler Kulturverein (AT)
The Holy Hydra is an interdisciplinary event in the parish church Urfahr – Jugendkirche Grüner Anker, (next to AEC Maindeck) which takes place for the third time this year. This time we will focus not only on dance performances, electronic music and new media art, but also on a room-filling installation to experience the church space in its full splendor. It will be different...

STWST Excursions
Stadtwerkstatt (AT)
The excursion leads to Kunstlager Nord. Here Stadtwerkstatt collects art relics and documents from the 40-year history of the house - between media art, subculture and city history. In the house of STWST also some archive materials can be seen.

With STWST48x6 MORE LESS, the 6th edition of Stadtwerkstatt’s 48-hour showcase extravaganza, Stadtwerkstatt asks the relevant questions about the more-or-less situations, the non-equality areas, the counter-validity zones and the non-zero-sum games of the future.

Stadtwerkstatt (AT)
With STWST48x6 MORE LESS, the 6th edition of Stadtwerkstatt’s 48-hour showcase extravaganza, Stadtwerkstatt asks the relevant questions about the more-or-less situations, the non-equality areas, the counter-validity zones and the non-zero-sum games of the future.

Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau hosted by ARS ELECTRONICA
Christa Sommerer (AT), Laurent Mignonneau (FR)
Presentation of the interactive project Homo Insectus, in cooperation with Bildrecht