
Ars Electronica Export - Tour and Networking
Ars Electronica Export is travelling to Nikosia (RISE), Dresden (Hygienemuseum), Esch-sur-Alzette (Cultural Capital2022) and San Sebastian (Tabakalera) to talk about the collaboration and projects not only we can see during Ars Electronica Festival 2020.

Sylvia Eckermann (AT), Stieglerhaus
The Ars Electronica Garden St. Stefan ob Stainz takes us on a journey to Sylvia Eckermann’s public art project AUGENSCHEIN. AUGENSCHEIN takes the eye as a symbol for how our society relates to vision and visualisation, in its encouraging and more dangerous aspects.

Fertile Methodologies
Tactical Space Lab (AU)
The Tactical Space Lab is a research initiative focusing on the intersection of art and technology. We are committed to expanding the diversity of stories and voices represented through new technologies via collaborative projects and educational programs across all ages, with the aim of ‘demystifying’ VR, not just for artists, but for the wider community.

Visit the Moon with an astrophysicist!
Cité de l’espace (FR)
Come visit the Moon with French astrophysicist and co-discoverer of ice on the Moon, Sylvestre Maurice! He will guide you through the “Moon exhibition” in Cité de l’espace, the space museum in Toulouse, France. These 4 videos were made as part of the “children’s science conference” that invited pupils to imagine their schools on the Moon. Through the eyes of an astrophysicist who has dedicated his life to solar system exploration, click and discover step by step the immersive "Moon exhibition".

Nushin Isabelle Yazdani und Internet Teapot (Karla Zavala und Adriaan Odendaal): [d/r]econstructing AI - dreams of visionary fiction and zine-making
How to Become a High-Tech-Anti-Discrimination Activist Collective
With this workshop we investigate the structures behind algorithmic decision making systems, discuss why their design is normative, and how AI systems reinforce structural discrimination. We embark on a speculative journey and discuss how to design to create a more just world. Which artists inspire us? Which values are important to us? We want to collect our thoughts and creative outputs in a zine.

LAB ON STAGE (Adriana Torres Topaga, Martyna Lorenc and Andrea Maria Handler): Phantom Data in our bodies and imagination
How to Become a High-Tech-Anti-Discrimination Activist Collective
This workshop undertakes a performing arts’ approach. Our departure is the embodiment of imagination and perceptual processes. With somatic exercises and performative games, we notice the data flowing in from our bodies: sensation, image, emotion or memory. Imagination has its own training dataset - therefore a specific priming/bias/imprint. We look for practices of becoming aware of HOW we imagine things and what escapes our field of attention.

Astrid Mager und Hong Phuc Dang: How to create your own AI device with SUSI.AI - An Open Source Platform for Conversational Web
How to Become a High-Tech Anti-Discrimination Activist Collective
The workshop introduces SUSI components like SUSI’s technology stack, its wiki-like skill editor and hardware prototype; participants work together to create a simple bot, develop new skills and test them. A reflection on data bias and algorithmic discrimination invites to collectively think about creating non-discriminatory digital technologies.

Doris Allhutter: “When I encountered discriminating IT-systems and did not want to take it anymore” - deconstructing affective entanglements in society-technology relations
How to Become a High-Tech Anti-Discrimination Activist Collective
This workshop uses the deconstructive method of mind scripting to understand the grip that even technologies that we reject may have on us. Using our own memories as an experimental resource we will explore how discrimination and privilege materialize in our practices. This aims at developing collective agency and activisms.

Safiya Umoja Noble: Algorithms of Oppression - How Search Engines Reinforce Racism
How to Become a High-Tech Anti-Discrimination Activist Collective
The landscape of information is rapidly shifting as new demands are increasing investment in digital technologies. Yet, critical scholars continue to demonstrate how many technologies are shaped by and infused with values that are not impartial, disembodied, or lacking positionality. Technologies hold racial, gender, and class politics. In this talk, Dr. Safiya Noble will discuss her recent book, Algorithms of Oppression, and the impact of technology on the public.

Lisa Nakamura: Estranging Digital Racial Terrorism After COVID
How to Become a High-Tech Anti-Discrimination Activist Collective
This talk argues that COVID-19 forced an accelerated migration to digital networks that exposed new audiences to traumatically racist digital events as well as new openings for critique and resistance.

The Woman-Machine
le lieu unique (FR)
The Woman-Machine is a two-day event on the main stage of le lieu unique. In response to La Mettrie (and Kraftwerk) le lieu unique invites artists, scientists and performers to discuss the relationship between AIs and gender, robots and feminism, machine learning and the world after the pandemic.

How to Become a High-Tech Anti-Discrimination Activist Collective
New technologies have penetrated all aspects of our lives and promise a wide range of improvements and efficiencies. Contrary to general perception, though, the algorithms on which these technologies are based are neither neutral nor do they treat everyone equally.

Kontejner (HR), FACT (UK), LABoral (ES)
In this tour, EMAP member organizations will give insight into their Ars Electronica Festival program and projects that address ecological issues. Many of the ecological challenges of our time will only be mastered with creative and cooperative approaches.

AI x Humanity - an AI LAB Tour
CPN (RS), Culture Yard (DK), Kapelica Gallery (SI)
AI x Humanity: How is AI impacting our humanity, impacted by our humanity, and what does it all mean for the future? Focusing on these aspects, the partners of the AI LAB will take you on a journey through their program.

Space Art Tour – Educators Edition
Ars Electronica (AT), Ciência Viva (PT), Leiden University (NL)
Check out Space Art at the Ars Electronica Festival and get introduced to various tools for teachers and educators!

Gallery Spaces Tour
For the Gallery Spaces Tour Ars Electronica invites Gallery Spaces participants to check out each other’s online exhibitions beforehand and present their perspective and interpretations. This event will allow Gallery Spaces participants to get connected, evaluate how online exhibitions are received by a new audience and also offer the general public access to navigate online exhibitions.

The Pangolin Scales
Thomas Faseth (AT), Harald Pretl (AT), Christoph Guger (AT), Anouk Wipprecht (NL)
The Pangolin Scales demonstrates the world’s first 1.024 channel brain-computer interface (BCI), which is able to extract information from the human brain with an unprecedented resolution to control an interactive, fashionable dress.

Johann Höller (AT), Thomas Lorenz (AT), Florian Gruber (AT), Ursula Niederländer (AT), Tanja Illetits-Motta (AT), Raphael Blasi (AT), Andreas Rösch (IT), Stefan Küll (AT)
Treeversity focuses on the relation between Big Data and data visualization to convey complex information at a glance. A mirror of the university’s inner workings, diligently recording success, failure and evolution. A portrait of its life in the form of a tree. Courses, grades and exams become branches, creating many different trees. Fully grown or nascent, withering or growing erratically. Treeversity shows the university as a forest, providing a tool to analyze its mechanisms at the same time.

CONTAIN - Mobile COVID19 Emergency Testing Facilities
Open Cell (UK)
CONTAIN units are rapidly deployable COVID-19 testing laboratories housed in shipping containers. The design allows transportation to any location through standard shipping services. Automated RT-qPCR protocols can deliver 2,400 tests per unit in 24 hours.

Digital Government in a Box
LIT Law Lab, Johannes Kepler University (AT)
From the “transparent citizen” and “social scoring” to AI-supported truth finding in the courtroom and machine-generated administrative notices: the digitization of administration and jurisdiction has many facets. It requires not only a consideration of what is technically possible, but also of what is legally permissible and what is desired in terms of legal policy. Against this background, the LIT Law Lab has two installations dedicated to the legal framework conditions (fundamental rights and data protection), problems and proposed solutions for a digitized enforcement.