Vertigo Bird 2020 - Climb onto the highest chimney in Europe (360° view)
Climb onto the highest point of our past to see the future. The 360-metre structure is part of the Trbovlje Power Station.

Digital Drag
Jeremy Bailey (US)
Face filters are widely used. In the last months we have been online in front of the camera more than ever. The question is what face-filter to wear. Choose fabulous looks using the latest tools tips and tricks to augment reality Transgress and queer your identity, become a digital drag unicorn or whatever Nxt you can imagine. Famous New Media Artist Jeremy Bailey will fly you through step by step to create and perfect your own AR look, so you can stand out from the crowd at your upcoming zoom party or corporate webinar. Let’s all become famous new media artists!

Exhibition VR Room: Did I invite you to exhibit here?
Verónica Francés (ES)
Did I invite you…? hits pause (II) on the imposed new normal to articulate a deeper timeline -millenia back (<<)-, while including multiple parameters -molecular or cosmic (@)- in the analysis.

The Art of Doubt
Matteo Lonardi, Velasco Vitali, Michel Reilhac, Marco Faini
Doubt has played a critical role in both society and art, since the time of the renaissance, when it first entered the public sphere as a distinct concept. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice researcher Marco Faini will explain the concept of doubt, while Matteo Lonardi, Francesco Lonardi, and Velasco Vitali will speak about the role of doubt in the artistic process from Leonardi Da Vinci to contemporary artists.

Hybrid Experiences: A Journey with Tangible Media Group, MindSpaces and MEET Digital Culture Center
Tangible Media Group (US), MEET Digital Culture Center (IT), MindSpaces (INT)
This tour takes us to Garden Cambridge, Milan and Thessaloniki, as Tangible Media Group, MEET Digital Culture Center and European project MindSpaces give us an insight into their projects working with VR, multisensing technologies and telepresence. Artists, researchers and scientists take a deep dive into their practice and unique perspectives of creating hybrid experiences between physical and digital space.

THE WILD STATE: State of Intimacy
Fabrizio Lamoncha Martinez (ES)
This unique exhibition reflects, in many respects, the diversity of the international Interface Cultures students group. Many of the students’ art and technology projects seem to encourage us to consider new collective values. We hope you’ll be inspired and alerted by their intimate, artistic, socially engaged, technical informed or critical views on our life over the last half year.

THE WILD STATE: Sound Campus
Enrique Tomás (ES)
Sound Campus is a new program especially oriented towards examining the state of experimental sound practices at universities and research centers. It opens a possibility for students and researchers to present new forms of understanding sonic art to the big audience of Ars Electronica Festival. This year’s program, curated by Enrique Tomás, presents uneasy sound performances resonating in the face of a critical present. Intrusive music touching us despite lockdowns.

Julia Nüßlein (DE), Davide Bevilacqua (IT)
The exhibition “The Wild State: networked” seeks to leave the state of uncertainty behind us by bringing some of the most recent and interesting contributions to the Hauptplatz in Linz. We are delighted to present works by Master and PhD-students, touching on topics related to the truly “Wild State” we are currently in, and the natural processes related to it. – A tour through the exhibition with the curators Julia Nüßlein (DE) and Davide Bevilacqua (IT)

Fulldome / VR & AR Lab
The immersive installation site-inflexion invites visitors to take part in a site-specific virtual and acoustic journey. The scenery and soundscapes of the JKU campus are the main actors in the work, alluding to Johannes Kepler's activity as a landscape mathematician. A laser-scanned topographic survey of Kepler’s gardens becomes an audio-visual environment transfigured by the everyday sounds that inhabit them. Oscillating between urban pollution and phantasmagoria, structures and lawns bend and curve under the effect of sound waves, reaching their inflection point by tipping towards the unknown.

Cross Perception - work in progress
Fulldome / VR & AR Lab
A limitless space. Everything moves—light, shapes and colors. Human and machine let their sight wander and try to recognize something. The human beings search for orientation, the device calculates.

Future Room and Liminal Spaces (re-edited) 360˚ film screening
Fulldome / VR & AR Lab
The Fulldome Program of the Digital Arts Department at the University of Applied Arts Vienna presents experimental immersive works, collaborations between the Department and the University’s Science Visualization Lab, Trans-Media Academie Hellerau, and the transdisciplinary performance company, kondition pluriel. Future Room and Liminal Spaces (re-edited) reveal the artistic potential of the fulldome, as does the 360˚ film screening selection of works by researchers, teachers, and students.

Fertile Methodologies
Tactical Space Lab (AU)
The Tactical Space Lab is a research initiative focusing on the intersection of art and technology. We are committed to expanding the diversity of stories and voices represented through new technologies via collaborative projects and educational programs across all ages, with the aim of ‘demystifying’ VR, not just for artists, but for the wider community.

Robots Talking To Me
LIT Robopsychology Lab, Johannes Kepler University (AT)
How should robots communicate with people? What voice makes AI assistants sound trustworthy? Do we even have to listen to robots or should we always be in command ourselves? Under the title *Robots Talking to Me*, the *LIT Robopsychology Lab* presents four installations that give tangible expression to questions of human-machine relationships and invite participation.

Planting a Resort for Mental Ecology
MPLab – Liepāja University Art Research Laboratory (LV)
People of Liepāja know very well that a garden is essential – without planting a park along the coast, the little seaside town would be consumed by sand, wind and water. The roots of trees keep the structure of the dunes stable, and people of Liepāja can retreat from the everyday struggles and storms in a safe garden environment.

Äänen Lumo (FI), Aalto University (FI), quietSpeaker (FI)
remote/displaced allows for an immersive exploration of a virtualized physical space: Öljysäiliö 468, a vast, decommissioned oil tank in East Helsinki. It takes the shape of a small collection of brief immersive audio-visual visits to this special remote place, exploring ways to listen to the encounter between sound, technology, space and landscape, as it emerges like a precarious ecosystem, where the boundaries between natural and artificial are constantly renegotiated and deformed by technology.

Solar Orchard Garden
ESPRONCEDA - Institute of Art & Culture (ES), MIRA Festival (ES), Insitute Ramon Llull (ES), Helsinki XR Center (FI), ./studio3, Institut for Experimental Architecture (AT), MEET Digital Culture Center (IT), UCA (UK)
The Solar Orchard Garden is a complex system that activates the curiosity of visitors / participants by play with two complementary concepts: quintessence, the fifth element of alchemy, and the Gaia Hypothesis, which looks at Earth as a self-regulated complex system.