create your world

Prix Ars Electronica u19–create your world

Fri Sep 11, 2020, 11:30 am - 12:00 pm
All times are given in Central European Time (CET / UTC +1).
Ars Electronica Gardens Channel + in Kepler’s Gardens at the JKU Campus – create your world
create your world: during opening hours
online: Fri, 11.09.2020, 11:30 - 12:00 (CET | UTC +2)


This year’s u19 exhibition will invite all winners to exchange ideas and projects with each other. Their “homebase” will be the physical exhibition of the projects, where the winners can explain these to other artists and visitors. They will share their talents and show the audience of Ars Electronica Festival their view of possible future scenarios.

In 2019, the Prix Ars Electronica’s u19–create your world category was divided into two sections. First, ideas and projects could be submitted to YOUNG CREATIVES (up to age 14). This sub-category impressively demonstrates how children can help shape the present and future from their own perspective. For YOUNG PROFESSIONALS (14 – 19 years), innovative critical forward thinkers who have developed an artistic or critical project for the world of tomorrow are in demand.


Creating your World to Change our Perspective – The Moment Before

Sirikit Amann, Gerald Hartwig, Conny Lee, Karl Markovics, Irene Posch

As much as u19–create your world is, among other things, a representative sample of today’s youth and as such reflects the entire spectrum of inventiveness of an up-and-coming generation, each year is nonetheless marked by its own trend. This may be shaped by factors that have already manifested themselves in the lives of these young people, or by the degree to which they develop a sense of what adults expect from them. But youths also certainly have a feel for tendencies that are simply “in the air” and only gradually find their way into the collective perception. Even if the connection to the now ubiquitous and global Coronavirus would seem to suggest itself, one must, of course, be careful with such references. At the time of the submissions for this year’s u19 competition, COVID-19 did not even yet have a name, much less a public perception. It is nevertheless striking that a large number of the submitted works deal with topics that could be considered dark, chaotic, even dystopian: the disruption of adolescence, bullying, depression, suicide, the destruction of our earth by war or environmental damage, to mention only a few themes addressed by this year’s works. Two of the submissions even explicitly explore the subject of viruses. Without wanting to read too much into the projects or to overinterpret them, this much can be said: u19/2020 has no illusions! The time for rose-colored glasses is over. But u19/2020 also has no fear, because it is too late for pessimism as well! There is something crucial at stake here: our future as individuals and the fact that this can never be separated from our collective future—particularly not in a world that we refer to as a “global village.” One way or another, the future begins in the coming moment. What is decisive is the moment before.

Award Ceremony

The award ceremony of category u19–create your world is the real highlight of the create your world festival. All 24 winning projects are awarded here.
This year, the event serves as a kick-off for the subsequent networking opportunities within the create your world festival.


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Golden Nica

Anna Fachbach, Franziska Gallé, Jona Lingitz, Lisa Rass / HTBLVA-Graz Ortweinschule (AT)

Young Professionals – Award of Distinction

In Reactio Veritas
MOLEKÜL Kollektiv (AT)

Benjamin Aster (AT)

MIC Spezial Prize

Matthias Janitsch, Simon Krist, Gabriel Neuberger / HTL Rennweg (AT)

Young Professionals – Honorary Mention

Ameisen im Haus
Sophie Dögl (AT), Nastasja Stempkowski (AT)

Jasmin Lersitz, Paul Rosenberger, Jonathan Wiener / HTL Rennweg (AT)

Der Rapper – Die Dokumentation
Haris Beshta Bradaric, Mohammed Elyesa Bilge, Stefan Hromada, Emre Tuncer / HTL Wien West (AT)

Fade – Fate
Sadet Muadini / HBLA für künstlerische Gestaltung (AT)

Juksel – Die Jukebox der Zukunft
David Gangl, Max Grubauer, Paul Krenn, Julian Kronlachner, Paul Wiesiger / HTBLA Grieskirchen (AT)

Meine Welt, Deine Welt
Zoe Borzi (AT), Nikolaus Heckel (AT), Jonathan Steininger (AT)

Musik zum Mitnehmen
Magdalena Schiesser / HTBLVA Graz-Ortweinschule (AT)

Sarah Birklbauer, Sabrina Brandl, Anja Bräuer, Julian Danner, Josua Diaz, Raphael Fleischanderl, Denise Fleischanderl, Eva Froschauer, Leonie Ganser, Magdalena Goluch, Nefise Gül, Victoria Haider, Laura Horner, Selina Jobst, Raphaela Kerschhagl, Emma Kitzbichler, Klara Koudelka, Daniela Leitner, Melanie Lenz, Nicole Mülleder, Leonie Reisinger, Leoni Schnauderer, Patrick Schneider, Lily-May Sommer, Julia Stelzmüller, Ronja Stimmeder, Lea Stumptner, Anna Traxler, Sophie Voraberger, Marlene Voraberger / Schüler*innen der 7C und 8A des BORG Bad Leonfelden (AT)

Mirjam Fladenhofer, Clemens Pfeiffer, Nora Puntigam, Gergely Varecza, Max Wolfmajer / HTBLVA Graz-Ortweinschule (AT)

Ria Kathan (AT), Florian Sigl (AT)

Young Creatives – u14 Prize

The Truth Part 2
Saleem Al-Qasem, Selen Aslan, Selina Gavrinovic, Selahattin Lichtmannegger, Ines Linner, Sulin Mahmoud, Muharem Mamuti, Larissa Mustafa, Emra Mustafa, Marko Nikolic, Mohamed O., Melissa Sturm, Cennet Sucagi, Amir Yusupov / Schüler*innen der NMS Lehen, Fach Kreative Mediengestaltung (AT)

Young Creatives – u14 Award of Distinction

Coded Art Gallery
Michael Zaminer (AT)

Zemmari Bloomfield, Sarah Sophie Burghardt, Tabea Moira Edda Demoulin, Florentina Dohnalek, Marie Gangl, Muriel Rosalie Glage, Caroline Hartmann, Carlotta Katherina Florentina Häupl, Konstantin Hederer, Nollie Marae Ibbotson, Hava Isajeva, Valentina Jordis, Lewin Lepka, Faiza Yunus Maier, Azra Maric, Maria-Lara Markus, Lorenz Medicus, Elisabeth Pacher-Theinburg, Sophia Polst, Lea Romm, Anne Kristin Saetre, Jana Merete Sattler, Johanna Schmidbaur, Nicole Spreitzer, Paul Stein, Marlena Thuminger, Nikolas Unger, Max Wurst / Schüler*innen der 4E des Musischen Gymnasiums, Salzburg (AT)

Young Creatives – u14 Honorary Mention

Die Zukunft liegt in unseren Händen
Ani Antonyan, Julia Blaschek, Natascha Brückner, Marlene Egger, Caroline Hofmann, Miriam Hölfont, Linnea Leicht, Lilly Lindner, Larissa Lutz, Linda Michelitsch, Paula Reinthaler, Christina Ruff, Lara Silbergasser, Alina Sommer, Alma Sutterlüty / Schülerinnen des BG & BRG III, Wien (AT)

Young Creatives – u12 Prize

Laurin Steinhuber (AT), Amelie Steinhuber (AT), Niklas Steinhuber (AT)

Young Creatives – u12 Award of Distinction

Schule der Zukunft
Matilde Irene Abarca Hernandez (AT)

Young Creatives – u12 Honorary Mention

Das Verschwinden der Trolle
Luis Schweighofer (AT)

Young Creatives – u10 Prize

Das Würfelhaus
Dominik Pichler (AT)

Young Creatives – u10 Award of Distinction

Der Vogel mit dem coolen Hut
Bartsch Viktoria, Bozic Dragica, Danczul Viktoria, Dolezal Alexandra, Exenberger Valentin, Frank Alba, Gartler Tabea, Hanke Lina, Havas Daniel, Ipaev Ali, Kleineidam Simon, Loidolt Lukas, Maurer Julius, Mirwald Rafael, Niklai-Sloan Pepper, Pajdowski Alexander, Pesalj Mia, Scheibelauer Max, Strandman Zettelmann Magnus, Strecha Karla, Vaskovich David / 23 Schüler*innen der Klasse 3c der GTVS Kolonitzgasse, Wien 3 (AT)

Young Creatives – u10 Honorary Mention

In einer weißen Winternacht
Tabarek Oday Adnan, Ali Almarey, Nedim Avdic, Darius-Ricardo Curcan, Jasmin El Degwy, Art Elshani, Andraj Ghuman, Jasnoor Guron, Mohamad Haji, Madina Kadyhadzijew, Ishak Kalapon / Kacapor, Ali Kalecik, Raman Khalaf, Behar Krasniqi, Maryam Langic, Hamza Masoud, Mihailo Milic, Ilona Molnar, Duru Öner, Omer Osmani, Mohamed Salama, Ilayda Sezgin, Mohamad Shakra, Lazar Simic, Mohamed Skheita, Mihaejlo Stojadninovic, Marko Stojkovic / Schüler*innen des BrgOrg15 (AT)

Prix Ars Electronica - u19
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