Open Art Thinking / Actions for Deep Issues

Maria Pfeifer (AT) and Stefan Mittlböck (AT) - Ars Electronica FutureLab

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This workshop has a limit number of participants.
Registration deadline for workshops is 24 hours before the workshop starts.

What are our options and capacities for action in a time of profound problems: climate change, migration and digital transformation. We are convinced that art projects carry powerful strategies to face the major problems of our time. Art Thinking is a process for applying such artistic thinking strategies. In this interactive online workshop, participants can learn about the Art Thinking method – developed by the Ars Electronica Futurelab.

Maria Pfeifer (AT): is Key Researcher for Future Narratives, where she investigates the question, how stories about the futures can change the here and now. Other thematic interests lie in Art Thinking, art-inspired innovation and the collaboration between art and science. She studied art, comparative literature and cultural studies in Vienna and has been working for the Ars Electronica Festival and Futurelab on and off since 2011.
She is particularly interested in the potential social impact of future technologies-such as artificial intelligence, automated driving, virtual reality-beyond their direct fields of application. Research projects she has been involved in include topics such as Work of the Future, Ethical AI, Automated Environments, Future Skills, Speculative Design & Artistic Strategies in Futures Research.
Stefan Mittlböck-Jungwirth-Fohringer (AT): has been a member of the Ars Electronica Futurelab since 2001. He studied painting and graphics at the Art University of Linz and, as a trained electrician, brings with him technical and manual skills. His diploma thesis dealt with the question of the absence of time in moving pictures.
He is an artist, producer and key researcher. He is working on the topic of Poetic Systems which is the field of his artistic research in the context of art and architecture within the Ars Electronica Futurelab.