The film and discussion dedicated to the decade of art and science program in LAZNIA CCA
Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, Christa Sommerer, Chris Salter, Nina Czegledy, Jadwiga Charzyńska. Moderator: Aleksandra Hirszfeld

The Art+Science Meeting program was launched by the LAZNIA CCA in 2010 as an art and research project, which has offered exhibitions, conferences, debates, performances and other events within its frameworks.

Mapping the Memory by Means of Art
Krzysztof Wodiczko (PL) , Ryszard W. Kluszczyński (PL), Oksana Dovgopolova (UA), Moderator: Kateryna Filyuk (UA)

In the second half of the 20th century, after the atrocities of World War II, humanity faced the need to comprehend the indescribable. Figuring out how to live with the knowledge of terror and yet to remain human became a problem in and of itself.

Plant~Animals ~ Symbiosity of Creation
Elvin Flamingo (PL)

The work of Elvin Flamingo invites us to the world of the unique plant-animals Symsagittifera roscoffensis. In nature, these organisms most often occur as migrating communities. For the project, the artist created two incubators capable of accommodating 67 separate habitats, 100 colonies of the superorganism described above.

Zoom on matter. Ethnography of flattened embodiment
Karolina Żyniewicz (PL)

The pandemic years 2020/2021 could be called the era of flattened bodies. We got used to experiencing each other framed by the rectangular windows of various communication platforms. Where is the body? Is it still important?

The Blue Humanities Archive
Justyna Górowska (PL)

DNA is capable of storing digital data better than silicon in our computers. It fits millions of terabytes in a few grams suspension in the water, minimizing the ecological cost of the global network of digital databases. The binary code only needs to be decoded into the synthesized DNA strands.

The illness of the consciousness is corruption - smell and think.
Oswaldo Macia (CO/UK) – artist, Emilia Leszkowicz (PL) – scientist, Chris Bean (IE) – scientist

Der kolumbianische Künstler Oswaldo Maciá, der Wissenschaftler Chris Bean (Leiter der Geophysik am Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies) und die Wissenschaftlerin Emilia Leszkowicz (Elektrophysiologin an der Universität Danzig) sind die Bewohner des STUDIOTOPIA Art&Science Residency, das vom LAZNIA Centre for Contemporary Art in Danzig betreut wird. Ziel ihres gemeinsamen Projekts ist es, Fragen zu stellen, die mit der Art und Weise zusammenhängen, wie das Bewusstsein der Betrachtenden durch die Sinne des Riechens und Hörens erreicht werden kann, um die Frage nach unserem Platz in der Welt aufzuwerfen.