Impact Art AT, Artist Talk 
Patrícia J. Reis (AT), Shamsher Virk (US) 

Nehmen Sie online an einem Gespräch mit Patrícia J. Reis teil, einer in Wien lebenden Installationskünstlerin, die in ihrer Arbeit verschiedene Formate und Medien einsetzt, um unsere Beziehung zur modernen Technologie zu untersuchen. In einer fortlaufenden Untersuchung, die die Grenzen zwischen Wissenschaft, Technologie, Magie und spirituellem Glauben destabilisiert, geht sie den Fragen "Wie glauben wir an Maschinen?" und "Wie formt uns die Technologie körperlich?" nach.

Polysocial Realities: the Emancipatory Potential of Technology to Build Communities
Pintian Liu, Jenn Leung, Arshiya Vij, Serra Ozdemir, Jyles Rodgers

A student-led panel conversation, exploring the following themes through the lens of technology: community building; expanding subjectivities; polysocial or parasocial; revolutionary movements; traces of communication; presence and/or absence; deferral and difference, mismatch and incongruity; provocative/viable/safe spaces; identity (politics); xenofeminism; (machine learning) bias.

UCA Artistic Presentation
Camille Baker (CDN/GB) – Artist/Artistic Director, Maf’j Alverez (GB/SP) – Interaction Designer /Unity3d Developer, Sarah Büttner (DE) – Tilt Brush and 3D environment artist, Bushra Burge (GB) – Haptic corset interaction/fashion designer, Kat Austen (GB/DE) – Sound Designer, Paul Hayes (GB) – Haptics Electronic Engineer/ Programmer, Andy Baker (GB) – Unity Technical Consultant, Annelies Lovell & Alexandra Butterworth(GB) – voice-over actors, Anonymous Stories – various contributing women

INTER/her is an intimate VR immersive exploration of the inner world of middle-aged women’s bodies and the post-reproductive diseases they suffer, such as endometriosis, fibroids, polyps, Ovarian and other cysts, cervical, ovarian, uterine and endometrial cancers - with a focus on female health as personal exploration, conversation starter, and community building.

OnlyBans: A Playthrough and Discussion on the Policing of Bodies
Science Gallery at Michigan State University (US) featuring work by Lena Chen (US/CN), Maggie Oates (US), Goofy Toof (US)

Created by sex workers and allies, OnlyBans is an interactive game that critically examines the policing of marginalized bodies and sexual labor to empathetically teach people about digital surveillance and discrimination faced by sex workers.

The body company
Anastasia Arkhipova (RU), Kate Umnova (RU), Vasily Shikhachevsky (RU)

Anastasia Arkhipova works with 3D graphics and virtual fashion. In her artistic practice, Anastasia explores the subject of the human body. By creating vibrant characters and fantastic worlds Anastasia challenges the perception of difficult and taboo social topics.

Puneet Jain (IN), Rilla Khaled (CA), Gina Hara (HU/CA), Allison Moore (CA), Ludovic Amaru (CA), Gabrielle Couillard (CA), Gaëlle Scali (FR/CA), Atypical (FR)


Maker Monday X Ars Electronica
Sharon Brunt (UK), Kelly Vero (CH)

Birmingham's highly established Maker Monday event teams up with Ars Electronica for a special workshop. In this interactive session, our amazing special guests Sharon Brunt and Kelly Vero will explore what empathy is and how to use it to design everything from apps, tool and games that are sensitive to users needs, and uplift their lives.