Garden Aotearoa Artist Talks and Demonstrations
Garden Aotearoa (NZ)

The Ars Electronica Garden Aotearoa assembles selected projects from New Zealand’s technologists, artists and University researchers. The artist talks will be a chance to get to know more about the projects on display.

Garden Aotearoa Exhibition
Garden Aotearoa (NZ)

The Garden Aotearoa Exhibition showcases over 20 projects from New Zealand’s artists, musicians, scientists and researchers in the form of prototypical installations, performances and talks.

Garden AOTEAROA - Opening night
Uwe Rieger (DE/NZ), Marc Aurel Schnabel (DE/NZ), Tane Moleta (NZ), Yinan Liu (NZ)

Following a traditional pōwhiri (welcoming), the opening event brief overview of the development of digital expression, research and exploration in Aotearoa and will introduce the works of the 20 selected projects for Ars Electronica AOTEAROA.

UCA Artistic Presentation
Camille Baker (CDN/GB) – Artist/Artistic Director, Maf’j Alverez (GB/SP) – Interaction Designer /Unity3d Developer, Sarah Büttner (DE) – Tilt Brush and 3D environment artist, Bushra Burge (GB) – Haptic corset interaction/fashion designer, Kat Austen (GB/DE) – Sound Designer, Paul Hayes (GB) – Haptics Electronic Engineer/ Programmer, Andy Baker (GB) – Unity Technical Consultant, Annelies Lovell & Alexandra Butterworth(GB) – voice-over actors, Anonymous Stories – various contributing women

INTER/her is an intimate VR immersive exploration of the inner world of middle-aged women’s bodies and the post-reproductive diseases they suffer, such as endometriosis, fibroids, polyps, Ovarian and other cysts, cervical, ovarian, uterine and endometrial cancers - with a focus on female health as personal exploration, conversation starter, and community building.

Neuroaesthetics: The Future of Interdisciplinary Art
Kinda Studios (GB), Marshmallow Laser Feast (GB), Tayos & Jon Hopkins (GB), Goldsmiths University (GB)

This interactive, participatory session guides audience members through the growing interdisciplinary field of Neuroaesthetics, providing a toolkit and takeaways for building effective Art-Science experiences. A live participatory Neuroaesthetics research experiment and interactive discussion with a breathe intervention that includes artworks from Marshmallow Laser Feast & Jon Hopkins

Art in Flux: Reclaimed
Curators: Aphra Shemza (GB), Maria Almena (ES) & Olive Gingrich (GB/AT) Artists: Aminder Virdee (GB), Aphra Shemza (GB), Stuart Batchelor (GB), Camille Baker (GB), Danielle Brathwaite-shirley (GB), Enrique Agudo (GB), Kimatica (ES) Natasha Trotman (GB), Olive Gingrich (GB/AT) Shama Rahman (GB), Ro Greengrass (GB) & Maddy James (GB)

Curated by the three Art in Flux co-founders Olive Gingrich, Maria Almena and Aphra Shemza and featuring twelve artists from the Art in Flux community, this curator’s tour takes the audience through Art in Flux: Reclaimed virtual exhibition, exploring its key concepts and themes.

Ali Hossaini (GB), Olive Gingrich (GB), Mick Grierson (GB), Joshua Murr (GB), Shama Rahman (GB), Alan Renaud (HE)

An explosion of biohybrid technologies is bringing our bodies and brains online. What happens when we're all connected? Groupthink gives a glimpse into a future where art emerges from the heart. Audiences anywhere can join via webcam. Software detects their pulse and translates it into a visual score performed live by sitarist Shama Rahman and percussionist Mick Grierson.

Yu-Chin Lin (TW), Yun-Zhen Zhong (TW), Yu-Tzu Wang (TW), Yu-Ting Tseng (TW) & Yong-Han Huang (TW)

ARrow is an Augmented Reality app that can be downloaded to your mobile phone. Not only can participants paint randomly in the virtual world, they can also connect with scenery and people in real life through the GPS and camera of their phone. We have eased the feeling of distance produced by the use of mobile devices in the fast-food generation. Participants, pick up your paintbrushes! Spread your sketches across the huge canvas no matter where you are. Spread it, bloom it! ARrow invites you to show your pictures in Hsinchu-Taipei garden.

Hybrid exhibition “Algaphon”
Harpreet Sareen (US/IN/JP), Franziska Mack (DE/US), Yasuaki Kakehi (JP), Yasuaki Kakehi Laboratory, The University of Tokyo (JP)

Algaphon is a hybrid installation where algae bubbles that ring at minnaert frequency near algal filaments are rendered audible through a hydrophone. Online visitors can leave a voice message that is translated into photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) variations in a remote aquarium.

Inside Futurelab Live: 25th Anniversary
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)

Mit der Entwicklung von Deep Virtual hat das Ars Electronica Futurelab einen Meilenstein in der noch jungen Geschichte von Ars Electronica Home Delivery gesetzt.