Linz, Kunstuniverstität Linz, Hauptplatz 8
8. - 11. September 2021, daily 12:00 – 22:00 (UTC +2)

Hosts: Manuela Naveau and César Escudero Andaluz

A courtyard, a tree, a fountain and lots of pens and paper: this is the setting in which we are reflecting, together with invited partners. We sit around a tree and think, we sketch out ideas, scribble futures and write, together, on a critical image of our time.

Topics such as Infinite Nows (Zurich University of the Arts), Critical Data (Interface Cultures, CYENS Centre of Excellence Cyprus, Technical University of Vienna), and Climate-modern Futures (Interface Cultures in collaboration with Leonardo Laser Talks will be addressed via talks, discussions and open workshops.

Dedicated sound interventions and performances in the Academy of Thought will round off the programme and provide space for an inspiring, inner-city festival hotspot setting.

See the complete scheduhle here: 0921_Loops_of_Wisdom_Newspaper.pdf