Ars Electronica Garden Indonesia

Journey – INFINITY

Media Art Globale (MAG) Festival by Connected Art Platform (CAP), (ID)

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Welcome to the INFINITY Garden of Indonesia. Every civilization has a tipping point. The pandemic showed us that everything that happens has positive and negative consequences. What comes next? Adaptation is the option to survive. We exist in our cultural environment, in the process of life and in our heritage system.

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MAG (Media Art Globale) Festival, Connected Art Platform (CAP), Digital Nine+; Mbloc Group, JNM Bloc, Binus University DKV New Media.
Curator: Mona Liem.
Digital Management: Sean Lee.
Designer graphic: Gege Saga, Design exhibition for onsite: Bintang Gemilang
Artists: Ady Setyawan (ID), Utami Atasia Ishii (JP_ID), MATER collective (ID), Nantlab Collective (DE_BE_FR), Widi Pangestu (ID) Adam Hawari (ID) and Despora collective (ID)
Thank you to the team of CAP, Asia-Europe, Mbloc Group, Binus DKV new media, all media and sponsorships.