Kirchengasse 4, 4040 Linz

Opening Hours during 2021 Ars Electronica Festival

FRI Sept. 10, 2021 6 PM – SUN Sept. 12, 2021 6 PM

48 Hours absolutely OOM

With OUT OF MATTER, Stadtwerkstatt is doing it‘s 7th edition of the annual 48-hours-nonstop-showcase-extravaganza in September.

Totalitarianism, dystopia, disorientation and dissolution: STWST is working on even more dematerialisation.

With OUT OF MATTER we are engaging in unbounded electromagnetic space, diffuse spheres, dissolved entities, de-confined systems. We send, darken, glow and grow. We have light, antennas, microbioms and underground. We work with exemplary positions and oppositional energy. Along the way we build open spaces and a dematerialised museum.

After a total crash of Media Art and the all-over capitalistic market places we‘re thinking some coordinates of art and technology, information and nature, material and abstraction. We deconstruct and rematerialise to show unmediated pieces – in the name of the not-answering OOM! Our intentions are basic needs and matters to keep the systems open. What are our materials? What are our resources? What are our matters?

With OUT OF MATTER we present more thean 20 works and convert seperate positions into collective situations – to a NEW CONNECTING, EVERYTHING DISSOLVED. Between previous, present and future layers: The present still lasts 3 seconds – one for before, one for after and one for the middle we are in.


STWST48x7 OUT OF MATTER Artist Line Up: Solar Return, radio noise collective, Jenny Pickett, Julien Ottavi, Jérémy Picard & Fryderyk Expert aka la Bricool, Shu Lea Cheang, Adriana Knouf, Franz Xaver, STWST No Architects Dptm., STWST No Content Dptm. feat. Media Camper / Karel Dudesek + Marcus Kabele, Tanja Brandmayr, Astrid Benzer, Andreas Zingerle, Raphael Perret, Julian Stadon, Roland van Dierendonck, taro klemens knopp, Pamela Neuwirth, Harald Purrer, Stefan Pommer, Flo Panhölzl, Michael Aschauer, Jakob Breitwieser, pnk_t_, tyga dares, mika bankomat, KIK3, Sara Trawöger, Conny Zenk & Gischt, Elvin Brandhi, Dominik Morishita-Leitner, no 314159

STWST48x7 OUT OF MATTER in Koop with Ars Electronica, Apo33- Arts Electronique, Numérique, Sonore, ∏ Node Paris,, Radio FRO, Versorgerin and Support from MakersXchange Hyper Local/Hyper Local program/exchange.

STWST 48×7 OUT OF MATTER curators=artists=writers=workers=designers=cooks=crooks=critical producers=core: Tanja Brandmayr, Shu Lea Cheang, Franz Xaver, Jan-Nahuel Jenny, taro klemens knopp, Pamela Neuwirth, Jakob Breitwieser, Claus Harringer, Felix Vierlinger, Jörg Parnreiter, Paul Krackowizer, Julia Arzt, Michael Aschauer, Claudia Dworschak. And many more.