
Daim™ Présente | ^^
Daim™ (FR)
For Ars Electronica 24h Rave, Daim™ will premiere an audiovisual mixtape recounting their web browsing experiments as a burlesque and danceable musical short film. Expect avant-garve jokes, popping-up beats, and many more passive-aggressive leftfield surprises.

Techno is (not) dead
COOK.D is a French artist and music researcher at IRCAM who goes back and forth between techno and bass music. In this performance, she tries to explore the dimension where these two electronic genres coexist and offers you a set that is both percussive and melodic.

Rave Space
Fabian Burghardt, Frank Hahn, Tom Wendland
For many years, club culture has been one of the determining factors for the famous Berlin vibe. The Garden Berlin is celebrating electronic music and club culture and is presenting an hybrid rave night, at Friday September 10th.Therefor people from all over the world are invited to join the RAVE SPACE, Berlins first virtual 3D club.

Porto Porto
Alex Tibbitts (CA/US), Quan (CA/VN), Samito (CA/MZ), Boogieman (CA), Milo Johnson (CA/US)
Porto Porto is on a mission to bring music that collectively raises our human vibrations. The stresses of isolation melt away in hearing dreamy delays of the harp mixed with an up-tempo bass and beat line. Grounded by Milo Johnson's bass lines, and reinforced melodically with his horn and string accompaniments, the team -featuring Alex Tibbitts, Quan, Samito and Boogieman- promises to transport the listener from rain forests and remote island villages to busy urban underground.

Sective – Arno Deutschbauer (AT) and Micha Elias Pichlkastner (AT/CA)
The AV performance [ˈdaːzaɪn] conceptually revolves around the detachment of communication and interaction from the human body into a virtual and digital space and the consequences this can have for us as physical and mental beings. A phenomenon that has obviously also been accelerated by the effects of the Covid19 pandemic.

Roberto Pugliese (IT), Daniel Bacalov (IT), Gilda Buttà (IT), Costanza Savarese (IT) , Alberto Popolla (IT), Gianfranco Tedeschi (IT), Alessandra Cristiani (IT), Eleonora Chiocchini (IT)
Hipogeios is an electro-acoustic project where elements from different artistic backgrounds perfectly melt together, creating a multifaceted dialogue and a klangfarben counterpoint.

In the mix: O-Wells
O-Wells (DE)
What ties O-Wells‘ career together is a certain emotionality that gently addresses the listener from the side. This approach to music-making is naturally continued in his style of djing: Incorporating his personal history of producing ambient, breakbeat and house to fast-paced Detroit-influenced techno under his second moniker Frankfurt Bass, Lennard Poschmann draws from this rich pool to create his own musical language.

Pheek/Iregui present “INVERSION”
Pheek (CA) & Daniel Iregui (CA)
In the age of Instagram, polished profiles and overly-sanitized cleanliness, INVERSION instead attempts to show the levels of spontaneity, uncertainty and questioning underlying musical creation. Daniel Iregui’s enormous black mirror, placed behind Pheek and fitted with a device allowing it to vibrate to sound, allows spectators to experience the artists’ various states of mind during an unpredictable yet intuitive journey, where everything will become crystal-clear to those with the patience to wait.

Warawar Kjaua - Chajnantor (extended)
Olaff Peña Pastene (CL/ES), Samuel Domínguez (CL/GB)
The audio track is a collabora1on between Olaff Peña Pastene and Samuel Domínguez, presented as an extended version of Olaff’s original song Warawar Kjaua, which uses the Tihuanaco’s civilisa1on cosmovision to interpret ALMA Observatory’s data. This is entangled with a fake field recording created using ar1ficial intelligence and slight musical interpreta1ons created by Domínguez.

In the mix: 11:68PM
11:68PM (DE)
As a music producer and co-owner of his newly founded label "What If It Works" Berlin based artist 11:68PM explores the multiple synthesises of audio and visual expressions. In his DJ-set for ARS Electronica's 24h Rave he steps up for a dedicated one hour journey through uptempo electronics and IDM - recorded in September 2021 at Brewery Studios in Berlin.