Artificial Intelligence

Optic nerves and their time
Geocinema (Solveig Qu Suess, Asia Bazdyrieva) (INT)
The work will focus on the key questions which sit at the core of Geocinema – both as a documentary-led research project and a collaborative practice. We will depart from the unobvious images of the Earth (such as calibration images, mathematical modeling of climates, satellite footage, etc.) to speak of the distributed and decentralized processes of sensing and imaging.

Science in Residency, some kind of voodoo
Manthia Diawara (US) and Raoul Frese (NL)
In order to flip the more usual format of collaboration between an artist and scientist, Raoul Frese has taken on a three-year residency with filmmaker Manthia Diawara. Invited by GLUON (Brux. Belgium), their starting point was the impact of artificial intelligence at the village of Yene near Dakar (Senegal).

Follow the Current
Kristina Tica (RS/AT), Marija Šumarac (RS), Barbara Jazbec (SI/AT), Sara Koniarek (AT), Sanja Anđelković (RS), Jovana Pešić (RS), Andrea Palašti (RS), The Danube Transformation Agency for Agency (DTAFA)
Follow the Current is a panel discussion established among young artists and researchers from four cities connected by the the river Danube - Linz, Vienna, Novi Sad and Belgrade. The representatives will present five main projects: Interface Cult, Woodiana Oracle, Anatomy of a Fatberg, Aerosonar and Digital Prayer.

Dr Jelena Slivka (RS), Dr Nikola Luburic (RS), Jelena Joksimovic (RS), Danijela Vucicevic (RS), Marko Milic (RS)
The video includes various artistic and scientific perspectives on the creative process while working on BINEMA, the winning project of the art+science AI Lab national selection for 2021, done in collaboration with the Clean CaDET AI project funded by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.

Program Overview - art+science 2021
Dobrivoje Lale Erić (RS), Petar Laušević (RS) and Elisa Cuesta (ES)
This guided tour introduces the Festival audience the sixth edition of the art+science program of the Center for the Promotion of Science, which focuses on the creative and critical reading and analysis of the AI-based systems, their values and possibilities. This year’s exibition, AI Realities, presents 13 works and tries to act as a stage for the insightful and inspirational discussion and partnering between local and international peers in all related fields.

Black Movement Library
LaJuné McMillian (US)
BML is a library for activists, performers & artists to create diverse XR projects, a space to research how and why we move, and an archive of Black existence. BML seeks to grow community through the use of performances, XR experiences, workshops, conversations and toolmaking.

Ubuntu - The Other Me!
Simon Weckert (DE)
The video journey wants to create a dialog between the artworks by the artist and AI-driven technologies in the process of making and creating.

Made to Measure – I is a Search Engine
Gruppe Laokoon (DE), Cosima Terrasse (FR), Moritz Riesewieck (DE), Hans Block (DE)
BML is a library for activists, performers & artists to create diverse XR. Is it possible to create the doppelganger of someone using only their personal Google data? This question stood at the core of the project Made to Measure. Using personal online data, the group Laokoon created a doppelganger of a person they did not know, telling "her" story.

European ARTificial Intelligence Lab Journeys
In addition to scientific, technological and economic aspects, the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab focuses strongly on legal, cultural, educational and ethical dimensions of Artificial Intelligence. This allows a holistic model that considers human values and elementary questions of what AI should or should not do, as well as how AI systems are developed, deployed, used and monitored, and by whom.

How To Strand Astronauts on the Moon
Halsey Burgund (US), Francesca Panetta (UK)
The narrative of In Event of Moon Disaster is a journey; a journey filled with the technical and emotional triumphs of individuals and a nation that ultimately comes to a tragic end on the lunar surface.