
Hum of the Earth
Liliia Akivenson (RU), Evgenii Savenko (RU)
A sound performance based on a joint project that arose from two elements: noise, and an anthropological interest in how people react to the spontaneous invasion by «unthinkable sound» of their private and hermetic sound reality. Every audible sound has its source, but what could we do with the sudden appearance of unfamiliar disturbing noises that persistently change everyday life towards total unrecognisability? The mythologeme of the «Hum of the Earth» interests artists as a vantage from which to interpret non-everyday noise and its contexts: from the subjective-affective to the mass-eschatological.

Big Concert Night: Sonitus aeternus - The Bruckner 9 Project
Bruckner Orchester Linz (AT)
Once again, Ars Electronica’s Big Concert Night goes on a grand voyage of discovery. After exploring the world of robotics and AI, encountering digital images and engaging with dance and theater, the focus this year is on the core of all music: the acoustic basis for sound and the space that sound can create. On the one hand, we examine the physical space that sound waves traverse and create, but of course we will also explore the metaphysical multidimensions that sound opens up in the process of becoming music.

Architecture of Friendship
Santiago Latorre (ES), Sara Paniagua (ES), Nieves Arilla (ES)
“The Architecture of Friendship” is a collective project inspired by the notion of ecosystem and the value of interdependence, led by the Spanish composer/engineer Santiago Latorre. The group takes its name from the words of Hannah Arendt, who after being accused of lack of love for the Jews, responded: "You are quite right. I don't love any people – neither the French nor the North American nor the Jewish nor the Blacks. I love only my friends."

Frau Sammer
Frau Sammer
A very old lady with dementia, Ms. Sammer was born in Graz an der Mur in 2016. It's about everyday neighborhood conflicts, hipster cults and sometimes even love. With synth sounds, electric bass, two voices, rap and assi-sacral hymns the four Sammers show themselves shrill and quiet, virtuosic and virtual, amateurish and absolutely professional.

Pianographique 2021
Maki Namekawa (JP)
Maki Namekawa has created a new program for this year's Ars Electronica, bringing music by György Ligeti, Chick Corea and, for the first time, Polish composer Hania Rani to the visual arena of the Deep Space venue. She will be visually accompanied by Cori O'Lan, who will once again connect the Deep Space’s high-end graphics cards with his real time visualization system to provide an immersive visual interpretation of Maki Namekawa’s performance.

Sound Park - auditory scenes
In einer von visuellen Reizen dominierten Welt kann die auditive Wahrnehmung eine Oase der Ruhe sein. Der Klangpark - im Keplergarten der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz - bietet die Möglichkeit, sich zu entspannen und sich auf einen aktiven Hörprozess einzulassen. Die BesucherInnen sind eingeladen, die Augen zu schließen und ein klangliches Bewusstsein für einen ihnen unbekannten Raum entstehen zu lassen.

Is it you, my dear AI or is it me?
Bruckmayr_Dorninger (AT)
In "Is it you, my dear AI or is it me?" Wolfgang Dorninger works with small sound tools that he soldered himself, but also with autogenerative, software-based sound modules. These are tools he uses to trigger inspiration. Didi Bruckmayr dreams with the machines, which send messages to each other. As then he marches along a beam into the abstract landscapes of the ”signed distance fields.” Sometimes he ”speaks in tongues” and all this in real time 3-D.

Deep Space 8K
Ars Electronica Center (AT)
The Ars Electronica Center offers its visitors something that cannot be found anywhere else in the world: 16 x 9 meters of wall and another 16 x 9 meters of floor projection, laser tracking and 3D-animations make the Deep Space 8K something very special indeed. Furthermore, Deep Space 8K presents challenging infrastructure to media artists.

The Linz Klangwolke 21 (Sound Cloud) presents underwater worlds and sound experiences under the motto "PANTA RHEI" at Donaupark, Saturday, September 11, 2021, 8:30 PM.