Digital Humanism

Garden PR and Garden Buenos Aires Program
Joaquín Fargas (AR), Giselle Aviles (PR), Carola Cintrón (PR)
This program opens with a welcome from our host institution, the UAGM Museum. Soon after, Joaquín Fargas’ performance will take place, effectively connecting Garden Buenos Aires with Garden Puerto Rico. The performance will attempt to showcase the Earth’s lifeforce as it relates to our human body, where information is dispersed in every cell, while also being interconnected as a whole – a sort of crypto body.

Social Transformations in a Digital World
Moderator: Johnny Lugo Vega, PhD (PR), Shirley McPhaul MA, PRSTRT-CHIP (PR)
This webinar series explores how technology access has a concrete (and potential) social transformative effect when applied to cultural heritage conservation and cultural production. When it comes to cultural heritage conservation, the decaying infrastructure of historic buildings is a real problem, even more so in rural areas. It is clear that digital tools facilitate cultural heritage preservation for future generations.

Digital Innovation in Cultural Heritage and Art Studies
Alitza Cardona Collazo - PR - Speaker, Irene Esteves Amador - PR - Speaker, Antonio Martínez Collazo - PR - Speaker
This Webinar Series presents different documentation approaches and methods using digital technologies for cultural heritage conservation and preservation.

The Song - Live performance
Charles Koroneho (NZ) Te Toki Haruru
“The Song” is a performance of poetic retrieval, a moment in time capturing the lives, voices and bodies of tribal artists living in 1950 -70’s New Zealand.

Garden Aotearoa Exhibition
Garden Aotearoa (NZ)
The Garden Aotearoa Exhibition showcases over 20 projects from New Zealand’s artists, musicians, scientists and researchers in the form of prototypical installations, performances and talks.

Garden AOTEAROA - Opening night
Uwe Rieger (DE/NZ), Marc Aurel Schnabel (DE/NZ), Tane Moleta (NZ), Yinan Liu (NZ)
Following a traditional pōwhiri (welcoming), the opening event brief overview of the development of digital expression, research and exploration in Aotearoa and will introduce the works of the 20 selected projects for Ars Electronica AOTEAROA.

Nicole L’Huillier (CL), Cristóbal Cea (CL), Valentina Montero (CL)
Upon entering this space, visitors will be faced with multiple formats, sounds, colors, and emotions representing the results of an open call for young artists under the age of 30 conducted in July, under the premise “To Question and Reflect on the Visual Representation of a Forest”.

Paul Merchant (GB), Catalina Valdés (CL), Green Art Lab Alliance – Cocina CoLaboratorio, Pollinaria, Fundación Mar Adentro, Undecided Productions, Polyco Contemporary Art Initiatives, Temporary Art Platform, Yasmine Ostendorf (various countries in South America, Asia and Europe)
Bringing together art and science practitioners and cultural actors to touch upon different forms of collaboration within the field of art & ecology, visitors will be able to tap into pre-recorded encounters and navigate through an interactive visual map created within a Miró board to hear the voices of practitioners across latitudes and longitudes.

Claudia Müller (CL), Elisa Balmaceda (CL), Etienne de France (FR), Gregorio Fontén (CL), Marcos Sánchez (CL)
The virtual journey this audiovisual exhibition sets us on – flowing down from the sky, onto the middle-layer forest, exploring the insides of trees, down to their roots and into the bodies of water, to finalize in an exploration of new forms of future natural elements – is a combination of visions.

Panel Discussion “Curating hybrid events. Ars Electronica 2021 experience”
Helena Nikonole (RU), Oxana Chvyakina (RU), Olga Vad (RU), Natalia Fedorova (RU), Olga Zubova (RU)
The panel is dedicated to the challenges of curating hybrid events in times of pandemic: Helena Nikonole, Oxana Chvyakina, Olga Vad, Natalia Fedorova and Olga Zubova will present their hybrid (online\offline) projects and share their curatorial experiences and perspectives.